Category: Learning & Development
Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?
It’s no surprise people are spending more time on screens. In fact, millions of Americans are exposed to excessive screen time every day (7+ hours), particularly those who work in office jobs. While technology has many benefits, spending prolonged periods on computers and other digital devices requires the eyes to work harder up close, and […]
Conflict. How does that word make you feel? In particular, how does conflict in the workplace make you feel? When we asked that question as part of a research project, many said that conflict made them feel anxious or stressed, others that they found it awkward or uncomfortable, or angry or frustrated, or demotivated or […]
Right now, it seems like every day there are new cases of workers striking or unionizing all across the country. Healthcare is no exception: nurses everywhere are going on strike. Nurses are frustrated, and the recent union activity is indicative of large, widespread problems in the nursing industry with staffing, work environment, and nurse wellbeing. […]
The obligations of parenting and one’s day job are often in conflict. Both require considerable time, dedication, and commitment. For working parents, a job is essential to keep food on the table. For employers, the reality that a significant proportion of the working population is also responsible for caring for children means helping those workers […]
These days, a social media policy isn’t just an afterthought—it’s a must. The vast majority of your employees likely engage in some type of social media usage, whether they’re constantly sharing snippets of their days on TikTok, sharing interesting articles on LinkedIn, or just occasionally checking up on their cousins on Facebook. Social media is […]
We likely think of COVID when we hear or see the word “pandemic.” Yet what many view as the second pandemic, employee mental health, continues on, with a recent American Psychological Association survey noting nearly 80% of U.S. employees experienced some form of work-related stress in the prior month. Fortunately, employers can play a key […]
Between the widespread adoption of remote and hybrid work policies and advances in telecommunications technology, many of us now live in an era where the boundaries between work and life are considerably blurred. The Gen Z Shift In the midst of this new reality, Generation Z is leading a profound shift in the workplace paradigm. […]
The concept of a four-day workweek is gaining traction worldwide as companies seek innovative ways to enhance productivity and employee well-being. Notable examples include Microsoft Japan’s experiment, which reported a significant productivity boost, and Unilever New Zealand’s trial aimed at maintaining full pay for reduced hours. But many employers understandably remain skeptical of the promised […]
It’s no surprise people are spending more time on screens. In fact, millions of Americans are exposed to excessive screen time every day (7+ hours), particularly those who work in office jobs. While technology has many benefits, spending prolonged periods on computers and other digital devices requires the eyes to work harder up close, and […]
It’s not unreasonable to say most of us in leadership probably got there because we were really good as individual contributors, and someone saw potential in us to lead others. Alternately, and statistically more likely, we were thrown into leadership in the hope we could duplicate ourselves or at the very least – keep things […]