Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

The Breakdown of At-Will Employment

Yesterday’s Advisor covered when at-will employment doesn’t hold up. Each state has many exceptions, and today we’ll cover a few more, as well as discuss how employers can make sure their at-will policies stick. Situations Where At-Will Employment Will Not Apply, cont.: In addition to when an at-will employment is superseded by an actual contract, […]

At-Will Employment: Not as Easy as it Sounds

When you hire a candidate “at will” you may think you are completely protected from legal repercussions should you decide to let that employee go. Think again. There are many exceptions, exemptions, and special considerations to contemplate whenever a candidate is hired at will. “At-will employment” refers to the ability of any employer or employee […]

5 Tips to Improve Cross-Department Collaboration

There’s the nose-to-the-grindstone worker, the social butterfly, and the visionary. Every office has a mix of personalities, and getting along with everyone is not easy. Today, we have some tips for keeping your departmental teams working together in harmony.

DOL Cracks Down on Independent Contractor Classification

A recent effort by the Department of Labor (DOL) to revisit how employees versus independent contractors are classified makes it clear that they mean business. Perhaps the most startling feature of their new effort involves how the DOL will likely consider all workers to be employees rather than independent contractors. Only those who fit strict […]

5 Ways to Make Cross-Department Collaboration Better

Every office has a mixture of personality types, from the dedicated hard worker to the dreamer. These personalities don’t always mix well. Today’s Advisor will explore five ways you can maintain a balance among these and other personalities in your office.

SHRM Exposition Special: Does Eliminating Employee Lawsuits Exist in Fantasy or Reality?

The Glasshouse Report claims it has a product that can “eliminate employee lawsuits.” The question, besides whether it’s even possible: can The Glasshouse Report deliver on that claim? Many new and interesting HR tools and techniques were showcased at the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) Annual Conference and Exposition, held recently in Las Vegas. […]