Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

Tech Training for All Generations

Generation Y workers, more astute in their technology skills than any prior age group, are forcing employers to reevaluate how they hire, train, and equip current and future workforces. These were the findings of a new study, Generational Research on Technology and its Impact in the Workplace, just released by CompTIA, the nonprofit association for […]

Survey Says: Companies Plan to Invest More in Training

In addition to the 51 percent listed above, 35 percent of surveyed executives at companies that are facing a skills shortage acknowledge that they have not made a big enough investment in training in the past. The “Accenture 2013 Skills and Employment Trends Survey: Perspectives on Training” ( confirmed that the skills gap remains a […]

Freshen Up Your Refresher Training

Periodic refresher training is required by many Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards as well as by some employment laws. And even when it isn’t, refresher training is essential for keeping skills sharp and preventing a dangerous sense of complacency. Varying your techniques during refresher training will keep learners engaged. The most effective and cost-efficient […]

Construction Group Sues DOL Over New Contractor Regulations

Associated Builders and Contractors has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Labor alleging that its new hiring regulations for federal contractors exceeds the department’s statutory authority. The regulations, which implement Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, require federal contractors and subcontractors to aim to have individuals with disabilities make up 7 percent of […]

Are Your Employees ‘Checked In’ to Hotel Safety and Health?

Meeting the needs of overnight guests is big business in the United States. According to the American Hotel and Motel Association (AHMA), lodging is a $134 billion industry. In most U.S. states it is the first- second-, or third-largest employer. Overall, the sector employs about 1.8 million people. Employees who clean guest rooms, serve meals, […]

Clarifying OSHA’s Annual Training Requirements

“Wherever OSHA standards require that employee training be conducted ‘at least annually,’ OSHA interprets that to mean that employees must be provided retraining at least once every 12 months (i.e., within a time period not exceeding 365 days),” says David Galt, managing editor—safety, with BLR®—Business & Legal Resources ( This annual training need not be […]

Audience Response Systems Enhance Learning

Audience response systems engage learners in training and provide trainers with instant feedback that they can use to enhance the learning experience, says Ron Smrek, vice president of Sales/Corporate Government with Turning Technologies ( When using an audience response system, trainers can poll learners, for example, about demographic information, their knowledge of a particular topic, […]

Second City Says Humor Drives Engagement in Workforce Training

The stellar alumni list includes many of the original “Not Ready for Prime Time Players” (Akyroyd, Belushi, Murray, and Radner), as well as Tina Fey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jane Lynch, and Steve Carrell of “The Office.” But now, the organization has branched out into workplace training, using humor to engage participants, of course. “Humor gets people […]

Comprehensive Training Builds a Business

The Seymour, Connecticut-based company has four dealer networks that provide services in waterproofing, crawl space repair, foundation structural repair, and basement finishing. “It’s a dealer network, not a franchise. We actually operate on a handshake,” says Larry Janesky, president of Basement Systems ( The company makes money when dealers sell Basement Systems products, so “we’re […]

Everyone Needs Financial Wellness Training

Not many of us will ever earn a 7-figure salary, and it’s hard to imagine that someone who earns millions of dollars per year would need financial counseling. But the National Football League (NFL) Players Association (NFLPA) says financial education is important for its members because most NFL players earn the majority of their lifetime […]