Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

Everyone Needs Financial Wellness Training

Not many of us will ever earn a 7-figure salary, and it’s hard to imagine that someone who earns millions of dollars per year would need financial counseling. But the National Football League (NFL) Players Association (NFLPA) says financial education is important for its members because most NFL players earn the majority of their lifetime […]

Supervisor Training: When Supervisors Should Involve HR

Supervisor training is very important when it comes to ensuring that your company stays legally compliant. Getting supervisors on the same page is critical, and it’s just as important for supervisors to know when to step back and hand things over to HR. HR and the supervisors need to work together. Supervisor Roles are of […]

Training Is a Remedy for Whistleblower Violations

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) reached a settlement agreement with True North Hotel Group, Inc., stipulating that the Overland Park, Kansas-based company must pay $22,225 in back wages and compensatory damages to a former employee who was terminated in Massachusetts after notifying supervisors about safety concerns and filing a whistleblower complaint with DOL’s Occupational […]

Does Training Millennials Differ from Training Employees of Other Generations?

“There is a cultural aspect of the times you’ve grown up in,” says Beth N. Carvin, CEO and president of Nobscot Corporation ( With Millennials, “it’s just become much faster paced. Whether it’s because of video games or the Internet, everything moves faster. “From a training perspective, we have to be aware that we need […]

Continuous Learning Continues to Create Opportunities

According to a survey commissioned by Academic Partnerships (AP), human resources (HR) executives agree that advanced academic degrees are important for employees looking to advance in their companies. The advantages of advanced degrees include: Upward mobility (89%), Promotion (86%), and Increases in salary (71%). However, these executives report that only half of their employees hold […]

Untrained Supervisor = Legal Land Mine

Yesterday’s Advisor offered 6 common mistakes supervisors make; today, 10 tips for training supervisors, taken from BLR’s 10-Minute HR Trainer. The untrained supervisor is a ticking time bomb because there are a lot of things that seem natural or appropriate that are going to result in expensive lawsuits. Training is the only hope. Here are […]

The Dangerous Knee-Jerk No

As the HR manager, you’re on top of things, but that’s only a small part of the battle. The rest of it is fought mostly by your supervisors, and they are not HR experts … yet. Supervisors play a particularly critical role in compliance. They must be familiar and comfortable with organizational policies and with […]

How to Make mLearning Work for Workforce Training

“We believe that mobile technology can become an engine of business learning in the same way the World Wide Web became the backbone of learning during the previous technological revolution,” says Alex Heiphetz, PhD., author of “mLearning: A Practical Approach to Mobile Technology for Workforce Training,” a policy paper from The McGraw-Hill Research Foundation. Heiphetz […]

Picture This! You Using Visuals Effectively in Training

Trainers have a tendency to avoid using pictures in training materials, but “all of the research on learning with pictures indicates that pictures used in combination with words create better learning,” says Jack Massa, owner of Guidance Communications, Inc. ( Massa uses a broad definition of “pictures” to include “any visual that is meant to […]