Category: Learning & Development
Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?
The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so are the skills required to navigate it. A recent report by Adobe delves into the perceived digital literacy gap, shedding light on the skills that are truly in demand and how they align with the perceptions of employers and employees. The Skills Landscape Adobe’s report highlights a disconnect […]
What have you done lately to help your team fully invest in their work? Leaders frequently ask me to explain why some members of their workforce don’t seem fully engaged or motivated. They report that people are just going through the motions or, worse, just doing what’s minimally expected. “In an era when innovation, speed, […]
If there’s one thing the pandemic experience has contributed to, it’s employees’ demand for more flexibility and work/life balance. Hybrid work is becoming more common, but so is another flexible concept: the 4-day workweek. It’s an idea that has been gaining traction globally, and it holds a lot of advantages not just for employees but […]
A steady increase in office occupancy and a recent decline in the number of available remote positions have led some leaders to declare victory in the long-running campaign to get employees back in the office. But even as the tide of remote work starts to recede, research shows that many employees are reluctant to return […]
A recent McKinsey report found that 87% of employers anticipate or are currently encountering shortages in necessary skill sets. Add to that, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are rendering certain human capabilities obsolete, and we’re experiencing a concerning number of job losses across industries. These changes have created a disparity between the required skills […]
In the ever-evolving landscape of learning and development (L&D), organizations are constantly seeking innovative approaches to ensure their training initiatives are both effective and engaging. Enter: the PROOF framework, a transformative approach that promises to revolutionize employee training. In an article for Forbes, Morgan Massie, a Forbes Councils Member, an International Coaching Federation-certified coach, and […]
National Online Learning Day falls on September 15 every year—an awareness event that has taken place every September since its inception in 2016. Interest and awareness, of course, have exploded since the pandemic, when online learning became more of a mandate than an option. Employees are interested in online learning and will adopt it but […]
In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, success is no longer solely defined by bottom-line profits and market share dominance. A new era has dawned—one in which organizational success is intimately intertwined with the well-being of its most valuable asset: its employees. This paradigm shift has ushered in an era of enlightened employers that […]
We’ve all heard the popular business slogan “the customer is always right,” a phrase that highlights essential customer-first cultures implemented in almost every organization. This is how most businesses approach their operations, prioritizing customer satisfaction and retention to drive profitability. But a lesser-known fact is that a great employee-first culture also drives success, and retaining […]
Seventy percent of Americans report living paycheck to paycheck, per a survey conducted by OnePoll and AmeriLife. The signs can be hard to recognize; even if you don’t see it, there’s a good chance this struggle is shared by most of the employees in your workplace. And there are growing signs throughout the economy that […]