Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Job Descriptions—One Common Mistake

Well-developed written job descriptions are essential to the hiring process, for two reasons, says attorney Susan Fahey Desmond: They assist you in clarifying what skills or traits you expect an applicant to meet They help you to defend yourself in court should you be sued over your hiring decision. We found details in BLR/HRhero’s HR […]

Hiring 101 Part 4 – Evaluating Candidates

In this video, HR Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about evaluating candidates. After you have attracted applicants, often you have to select from hundreds—or even thousands of online applicants—those few to whom you will give more serious consideration in an interview or with some other evaluation method. Steve Bruce tells you what you need […]

Job Description Danger—Disparate Impact Lawsuit

It doesn’t seem that job descriptions would be lawsuit generators, but poorly written or out-of-date job descriptions can set you up for a nasty disparate impact lawsuit, says attorney Susan Fahey Desmond. For a more detailed explanation, we turned to BLR/HRhero’s HR Guide to Employment Law, written in part by Desmond, who is a Partner […]

ADA Compliance and Recruitment: Well-trained Managers Are the First Line of Defense

The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits employers from discriminating against people with disabilities or even asking questions that could influence an employment decision. Employers can avoid legal problems by training managers on what they can and can’t ask during the hiring process. Before making a conditional offer of employment, an employer may not ask any […]

Full 9th Circuit Refuses to Review California’s Same-sex Marriage Ban

Employers can expect continued uncertainty regarding whether they will need to adjust their plans, documents and policies to accommodate same-sex spouses. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on June 5 refused a petition that the full bench of the court rehear Perry v. Brown, Nos. 10-16696, 11-16577. That lets stand the ruling by a […]

Hiring 101 Part 3—Attracting Qualified Candidates

In this video, HR Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about how to attract qualified applicants—without attracting those who are not qualified. Be sure to look out for the next video in the Hiring 101 Series, about what to do with all those résumés you’re going to get.

Translating Hiring Criteria into a Postable Paragraph

Yesterday’s Advisor showed how to clarify what you are looking for in a candidate; today, how to translate that into candidate terms, plus an introduction to BLR’s handy HR audit guide. Translating into Candidate Terms Now you have to translate your desires into concrete terms that you can use in a posting, an ad, or […]

The Critical Step Harried Hiring Managers Leave Out

“I need this job filled, and I want it posted today!” No surprise that managers who are short an employee want a new hire instantly, but that’s a dangerous approach. Slow down, step back, and figure out what you are looking for. In their eagerness to start interviewing, many managers launch their search before they […]

Criminal records Checks? Be Ready to Defend Disparate Impact

Yesterday’s Advisor discussed criminal records and disparate treatment; today, criminal records and disparate impact, plus an introduction to the all-in-one HR solutions site, Disparate impact occurs when: The employer’s neutral policy or practice has the effect of disproportionately screening out a Title VII-protected group and The employer fails to demonstrate that the policy or […]

Ever Been Arrested or Convicted? … Is It Discriminatory to Ask?

EEOC has released guidance on the use of arrest and conviction records in screening job candidates. Many employers do subject job candidates to criminal background checks to combat theft and fraud, and to avoid workplace violence. But the EEOC sees the possibility of discrimination. That’s because arrest and incarceration rates are particularly high for African […]