Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

50,000 Hires – One Day!

Imagine you were to hire everyone who lives in your town. Do you live in a small town? Say 5,000 people? You’ll want to double that number…then multiply that by five. That’s how many people McDonald’s Corp plans to hire on April 19 The addition of 50,000 new hires is part of the fast-food chain’s […]

Probationary Period? Get Rid of It!

Yesterday’s Advisor featured legal tips about probationary periods. Today, Hunter “Please Sue Me” Lott says, “Get rid of your probationary period.” Otherwise you risk negating your employees’ at-will status. Lott says that any “probationary period” or “introductory period” (or as one company calls it, “comfort time”) is a threat to the employer’s at-will status because […]


Probationary Periods — Dangerous Device or Necessary Tool?

Many employers start employees off with probationary periods during which the employer can let the new employees go without worrying about just cause and lawsuits. Sounds good, but there’s a downside, says attorney Sandra Rappaport.

Is Sloth the Worst HR Sin?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered the first 4 deadly sins of managers; Today, Envy, Greed, and Sloth, and some very good news: your job descriptions are already written and updated. [Go here for sins 1 to 4 and a bonus sin] Sin 5. Envy Envy makes managers do things that aren’t appropriate for the company. […]

Decoding the FMLA’s ‘Family Tree’

This content was originally published in July 2009. For the latest FMLA regulation changes, visit our FMLA article archives or try our practical FMLA compliance guide. When it comes to FMLA administration, who qualifies as a “child,” a “father,” or a “parent” now depends on the type of FMLA leave being requested. To help you […]

Online Recruiting Effective, Yes, but Dangerous

In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered user-friendliness of online recruiting sites. Today, dangers of online recruiting that all employers should beware of, plus an introduction to the “lawsuit preventer,” audit checklists. Beware the Default Setting Many companies use software to set up and manage Internet job ads. It’s tempting to let the default setting put in […]

Online Recruiting—Is Your Site Applicant-Friendly?

For many employers, online recruiting has become the primary means of soliciting candidates. However, the system is not without its challenges. In today’s Advisor, we’ll look at how to measure the effectiveness of your online recruiting program. When measuring the effectiveness of your online recruiting program, it is important to measure what matters to your […]

Physical, Mental, and Environmental Requirements—Dangerous to Ignore

Pinning down physical and environmental requirements for job descriptions is annoying—but it means reduced hassles in hiring, and reduced appearances in court. Even though they seem obvious to you, (and maybe you think they should be obvious to anyone), the requirements need to be in writing on the job description. Deal with the issue up […]

Happy New Year—It’s Time for the Dullest Job in HR

In HR, sometimes the dullest jobs are the most important. Even HR has essential functions, and one of them is updating job descriptions. It’s not exactly the thrilling part of HR, but it can’t be overlooked. It’s the beginning of the new year—bite the bullet. No HR manager has time to just sit down and […] welcomes Phillip A. Smith as new company President

For more than 15 years, has been an established leader of the background screening industry: This month, the company welcomes Phillip A Smith—an accomplished professional with extensive industry experience—to the role of President. “I am looking forward to joining the team and to working with its outstanding group of professionals,” said Smith. “This […]