Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

How a Bad Job Description Lost an Airtight Case, and Other Horror Stories

We don’t often think of the lowly job description and horror stories in the same breath, but job description mistakes can cost dearly when the lawsuits are filed. Here’s what might happen when job descriptions aren’t accurate and up to date: Failed to Define Essential Functions One of the most common failures of job descriptions […]

9 Things You Don’t Want to Have to Admit in Court

Many times, the easiest way to train managers about HR issues is to ask them to imagine themselves on the witness stand. When they realize what they will have to admit to, they learn fast. “I fired him for no reason” This is the statement that “at-will believers” will have to make on the witness […]

Is It HR’s Job to Encourage Employee Complaints?

Yes, HR does want to encourage employee complaints. If you don’t, the complaints will go to the agencies and the lawyers, and then you’ve moved into a different ball game that’s being controlled by someone else. When the complaints come to you first, you can take action. Yesterday’s Advisor covered the watchdog role as part […]

Is Corporate Watchdog in the HR Job Description?

Is Corporate Watchdog part of your job description? On paper, probably not. But in practice, probably yes. Who else is going to do it? Marketing? IT? Finance? Puh—leese. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make that part of your job easier. Get Out and About You won’t pick up much information sitting in […]

‘Best of Intentions’ Mistakes Managers Make

In yesterday’s Advisor, we discussed the first five major mistakes managers and supervisors—even with the best intentions—make. Today, more of Peter Janus’s tips, and a tip of our own about that nemesis of HR, job descriptions. Janus is a partner with Siegel, O’Conner, Zangari, O’Donnell & Beck, P.C. in Hartford, Connecticut. This material originally appeared […]

The One Interview Technique that Gets Real Answers

In real estate it’s location, location, location, and in interviewing it’s probe, probe, probe. Typically the candidate’s first answer to your interview questions will be reasoned and impressive—and well rehearsed. It’s by probing deeper that you’ll get real insight. Asking probing questions is the key to eliciting meaningful information from well-prepared applicants. Here’s an example […]

Nine Ways NOT to Hire the Brightest and the Best

Hiring is such a critical role for managers and supervisors, yet many of them take a casual or mistaken (read legally dangerous) view of the job. In today’s Advisor, we share a few of the worst interview approaches we’ve come across. 1. Great Interview—Fascinating Person We had great rapport—we talked baseball (she’s also a Sox […]

Grade Inflation, Essential Functions—More Mistakes Managers Make

In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered basic mistakes managers make; today, more expensive mistakes in performance management and job descriptions, and an introduction to a job description program that will eliminate those mistakes.  [Go here for mistakes 1 to 5.] Mistake #6: Grade Inflation Too often, managers give satisfactory or higher ratings for poor performance. This […]

Eight Basic Mistakes in HR Management

There are three “legs” that support managers and supervisors in doing their jobs—policies and practices, performance management, and job descriptions. Unfortunately, in many companies, each leg is weakened by basic mistakes that make compliance difficult Here are the most common mistakes: Policies and Practices Mistakes Mistake #1: No policies at All The no policies approach […]

Single Key to Attracting the Best Hires

In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered the indispensable role of the job description in attracting the best candidates. Today, how to prepare for the critical job interview, and some great news—your job descriptions are already written. The Interview—it’s not a time to chat and visit, it’s a time to dig and investigate. Preparing is a two-step […]