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News Notes: Historic Ergonomics Regulations Stalled

California’s new workplace ergonomics rules won’t take effect until they are rewritten to make them easier to understand. The California Office of Administrative Law, which must approve all new state regulations, has just rejected the rules and asked for clarification of several different sections. The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board expects to have […]

Religion in the Workplace: Court Strikes Down Ban on Religious Advocacy; What You Can Do

The federal appeals court that covers California recently ruled that a public employer violated employees’ free speech rights when it banned religious discussion and materials in the workplace. The decision highlights the need for public and private employers alike to exercise care in adopting policies that restrict employees’ religious activities at work. Join us this […]

Independent Contractors: How to Protect Yourself–Before You’re Called in for an Audit

The problem can surface without warning. A former independent contractor applies for unemployment benefits, but the state can’t find any record that the person was on your payroll or that you paid unemployment taxes. Before you know it, you’re being audited and facing huge penalties for all the workers you may have misclassified as independent […]

Drug Testing: High Court Rules on Testing in the Workplace; Law Still Unclear

Drug testing has long been a murky area for employers. Now the California Supreme Court has just issued its first decision that sheds some light on the issues and makes a sharp distinction between drug testing applicants and testing existing employees. However, although the case has important implications, it isn’t the sweeping clarification employers had […]

The Four Most Common Mistakes Employers Make When Classifying Employees as Exempt

As the Agency Rent-A-Car case shows, you can find yourself mired in an expensive lawsuit for misclassifying employees as exempt from overtime. Here are four common employer mistakes: Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Employers run into trouble when they don’t know the rules on classifying employees. Private sector employers in California are […]