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If You Need Job Descriptions, I’ve Got Something Really New for You

By BLR Founder and CEO Bob Brady For anyone needing job description help, our CEO announces something that’s not quite the Ultimate Answer to Life’s Questions … but it’s close. Longtime readers of this column know I like to use it to communicate to all 130,000 of you out there. Most of the time, it’s […]

OSHA Seeks Comments on Revised Whistleblower Rules

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is seeking comments on interim final rules that revise the regulations on whistleblower complaints filed under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). The whistleblower protection provisions of SOX were amended by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 to clarify that subsidiaries of publicly […]

Discrimination: OFCCP Reports Record Financial Recoveries

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has reported that in 2006, it recovered a record-breaking $51,525,235 million on behalf of a record 15,273 workers. The OFCCP enforces various federal employment discrimination laws with respect to government contractors. The 2006 figures represent a 14 percent increase over recoveries in 2005, and a 78 percent […]

Workers’ Compensation: Insurance Commissioner Approves Big Premium Rate Increase

The state Insurance Commissioner has approved a 10.1% premium rate hike for workers’ compensation insurance in response to increases in medical costs that have battered workers’ comp insurers. Although the approved boost is only advisory, increases adopted by the commissioner are frequently used by the industry as a guidepost to set policy prices.

News Notes: Free ADA And Workplace Drug Program Compliance Materials

If your website doesn’t include reader friendly alternatives for people with disabilities, such as sight impairments, you might be violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Center for Applied Special Technology offers a free tool at that employers can use to test whether their web pages are accessible to disabled individuals. Also, the federal Department of Labor […]

Unexpected Demographics of the 2007-10 Downturn

A Wall Street Journal analysis of recent data sets reveals unexpected characteristics of current employment losses. The last 10 years have seen an increasing parity in employment among men and women, but because the majority of women came into the job market later, it was expected that layoffs — following a last-in/first-out pattern — would […]