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Negative Blogs: Your Story or Theirs?

No matter what you do, your company is going to be featured on blogs, says Alison Davis. “So you have a choice as a company—either you lay out the story from your perspective, or you let someone else write it.” Davis, a communications consultant, recommends a thorough and proactive approach to social media on the […]

FedEx May Owe Huge Tab for Diver Misclassification

FedEx Corp., which has been in the hot seat lately over allegations of misclassifying delivery drivers as independent contractors (see CWHA October 2007 and October 2006), could owe a whopping $319 million in back taxes and penalties because of the classification problems, the IRS has tentatively concluded. The IRS assessment, which pertains only to 2002, […]

Hot List: New York Times Bestselling Hardcover Business Books

The following is a list of the bestselling hardcover business books as ranked by the New York Times on March 9. 1. Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. hy some people succeed — it has to do with luck and opportunities as well as talent — from the author of Blink: The Power […]

Disability-Related Questions And Medical Exams, Part 2: EEOC Guidelines For Handling Common But Thorny Problems

The EEOC recently released a guidance explaining when it is and is not permissible to ask employees disability-related questions or to require them to take medical exams. In this final segment, we look at how the EEOC says you should handle a number of common but frequently thorny situations involving employee medical information. Documentation When […]

News Notes: NLRB Removes Union Protection In Company Takeovers

The National Labor Relations Board has overturned one of its prior rulings that gave unions some protection from challenge when a nonunionized employer acquires a unionized company. Under the previous rule, unions could bargain with the new, nonunion employer free from challenge for a reasonable length of time after the takeover. Now, the NLRB has […]

Even Rulebreakers Must Be Reimbursed, Court Rules

You know that employees are entitled to reimbursement for work-related expenses. You’ve set up policies and procedures for employees to report expenses and request reimbursement. But what if employees don’t follow your rules? According to a recent federal District Court opinion, that doesn’t matter: They’re still entitled to be reimbursed. 400+ pages of state-specific, easy-read […]

Government Proposal Refines Reform Fees on Health Plans

A proposed rule put on public display Nov. 26 adjusts Transitional Reinsurance Program rules and tries to put out fires left burning by the ever-moving target of health care reform. For example, it proposes a lower contribution level insurers and self-funded plans would pay in 2015 to a transitional reinsurance fund, and gives employers the […]