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Does Your Wellness Program Need a Checkup?

A majority of Americans agree that lifestyle choices such as smoking and exercising directly affect the cost of their health care, yet 44 percent do not think they should have to pay for health care. What gives? A recent survey revealed that employees do see a connection between their behavior and their health, and they […]

Federal appeals courts issue conflicting decisions on ACA subsidies

A few weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a blow to the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) contraceptive mandate, federal courts are looking at a different aspect of the law—exchange subsidies. On July 22, there was a flurry of activity on the issue, with two federal appeals courts issuing conflicting rulings. States had the option […]

Washington Could Be Seventh State to Allow Same-sex Marriage

Legislation is wending its way through both chambers of the Washington State legislature that if enacted would make Washington the seventh state where same-sex marriage is legal. It could happen: a sufficient number of Senators for passage in that chamber have said they would vote for it if it reaches the Senate floor, and Gov. […]

GOP Out! Democrats In! What Federal-State Law Conflicts Are Most Likely Now?

Whenever there’s a major power shift in government, it’s time to look at employment law again … and especially at federal-state conflicts. Just over two weeks and counting. Who’s counting? The Democratic Party, of course, anxiously awaiting the day … January 4th  … that their dozen-year exile from control of Congress ends. When power shifts […]

Retirement and Pension Plans: IRS Issues Final 409A Rules

The Treasury Department and the IRS have issued final rules regarding section 409A nonqualified deferred compensation plans and arrangements. The new regulations provide extensive information on how employers can identify nonqualified deferred compensation plans and arrangements subject to section 409A, along with rules to help employers and employees comply. Plans and arrangements affected by the […]

The No-Match Letter Controversy: Do We Really Want to Lose These Employees?

By Catherine Leonard, BLR HR EditorJust my E-pinion There’s been great controversy over the scheme to use Social Security’s No-Match Letter process to help the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) force the firing of illegal immigrant workers. The scheme is on hold for now, but not the controversy. Here’s one BLR editor’s e-pinion. What’s […]

Economy Back-Burnering Compliance?

The economy is creating chaos, and the rapid changes in workplace laws don’t help—Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, changes in FMLA and COBRA, 1-9’s, E-Verify, ADAAA—the list goes on and on. Where should you be focusing? With all that is happening, it is easy to get distracted, even overwhelmed, says Kurt Ronn, the president and founder […]

EEOC’s Proposed ADA Regulations Now Available

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) — which would revise its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations to comply with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) — is now available at The NPRM interprets the requirements of the ADAAA, which Congress passed in late 2008 to make it easier for […]