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Safety And Health: Free Fact Sheet Summarizes Revised Respirator Regulations

Cal/OSHA has issued an updated fact sheet outlining changes in its respirator regulations. The rules apply to all workplace respirator use except for tuberculosis protection. The fact sheet outlines the specific elements of a comprehensive, written program for respirator use that must be implemented by employers. As spelled out in the fact sheet, such a […]

Immigration: H-1B Petition Cap Quickly Reached

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that by the afternoon of April 2, 2007, it had received enough H-1B work visa petitions—150,000—to meet the congressionally mandated cap for fiscal year 2008. April 2 was the first day employers could submit H-1B petitions for 2008. The H-1B visa program allows U.S. businesses to employ […]

Hot List: New York Times Bestselling Paperback Business Books

The following is a list of the bestselling paperback business books as ranked by the New York Times on March 21. 1. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis. The people who saw the real estate crash coming and made billions from their foresight. 2. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can […]

News Notes: Recent Workplace Injury And Illness Statistics Released

The Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2002, private-industry employers recorded 4.7 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses, or 5.3 cases per 100 equivalent full-time workers. About 2.5 million of the recorded cases involved lost workdays, transfer to another job, restriction of work duties, or a combination. The other 2.2 million […]

Short Takes: Fingerprint Checks

We fingerprint employees and run a background check if they are going to be working with or near children. (We do it for current employees if they are transferring to such a job.) Are we required to provide these applicants/employees with the results of their fingerprint background checks?

Bulletin Item: President Bush Signs Pension Funding Equity Act (HR 3108)

The new law provides a short-term replacement for the current 30-year Treasury bond rate, which is currently used as the benchmark rate for pension funding liabilities. Some employers, unions, and workers expressed concerns about using the Treasury bond rate because it artificially inflates a plan’s funding liabilities. Congress enacted a temporary fix in March 2002 […]

Supreme Court Rules Public Employee’s Text Messages Not Private

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court held that a public employer did not violate an employee’s constitutional privacy rights by searching his personal (and often sexually explicit) text messages that were sent and received on his employer-issued pager. The Backstory The City of Ontario, California, issued pagers that could send and receive text messages to Ontario […]

Labor Department Loosens LMRDA Reporting Deadline

Under the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), private-sector employers that do business with a labor organization (or a trust in which a labor organization has a business) must make an annual disclosure of payments or loans to union officials, which includes a union or its officer, agent, shop steward, employee, or other representative. […]