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How Much Should You Pay For Employee ‘Happiness?’

A recent Gallup study shows the higher the compensation, the happier the employee. Happy employees build business success. But where’s the limit? A classic resource may help you find it. Everyone wants happy employees, right? Happy employees are productive, inventive, and supportive of all you do. Yesterday, we gave you one tool to make them […]

Okla. AG Seeks Change to Employer Mandate in Health Law

Oklahoma’s Attorney General has revived his state’s challenge to the federal health reform law, this time targeting the law’s employer mandate. The state’s amended complaint at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma seeks to overturn an IRS regulation allowing some consumers to get federal subsidies to buy insurance on health insurance […]

Recordkeeping: EEO-1 Forms Due This Month

If your company is required to file an annual EEO-1 Form (Standard Form 100, rev. 3/97) with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), take note that the deadline is September 30, 2006. The EEO-1 report must be filed annually by employers with 100 or more employees or employers with federal government contracts of $50,000 or […]

News Notes: Failure To Grant Part-Time Status Doesn’t Support Wrongful Termination Claim

  Charles Sinatra, a long-time assistant principal with the Chico Unified School District, sued for wrongful termination in violation of public policy when the district refused his request for transfer to a part-time administrative position, instead giving him a full-time teaching assignment. He claimed he was “forced” to quit for exercising his statutory right under […]

Wage and Hour: Hourly Rate Going Up for Exempt Computer Software Pros

Under California wage and hour law, computer software professionals can qualify for overtime exemption if they meet certain duties requirements and are paid a specified hourly rate, set annually based on inflation rates by the state Department of Industrial Relations. On Jan. 1, 2007, the minimum hourly rate for exempt computer software professionals will be […]