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Health and Safety: OSHA Updates Avian Flu Guidance

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has unveiled new safety and health guidance for protecting workers from avian flu. The new document, which updates avian flu guidance by OSHA in 2004, alerts employees and employers about the hazards of occupational exposure to avian influenza from infected birds and provides practical recommendations on ways to […]

News Notes: Helping Elderly Parent Relocate Doesn’t Qualify For Family Leave

  A California Court of Appeal has ruled that Beverly Hospital in Montebello didn’t violate the state family leave law by terminating a physical therapist who missed work to help her seriously ill mother move to a new apartment. Marjorie Pang claimed her time off was protected because she was providing psychological care for a […]

There’s An App for THAT?

The U.S. Department of Labor has just announced the launch of its first application for smartphones: a timesheet to help employees independently track the hours they work and determine the wages they are owed. Available in English and Spanish, users can track regular work hours, break time, and any overtime hours for one or more […]

Workers’ Compensation: Insurance Commissioner Recommends Further Rate Reductions

Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi has announced he will recommend a 16.4 percent decrease in the workers’ compensation pure premium rate for policies starting on or after July 1, 2006. This recommendation is the latest in a string of recommended rate reductions since July 2003, when workers’ comp reforms went into effect. The cumulative recommended reductions […]

Bulletin Item: Workers’ Compensation Reform Developments Continue

The Assembly Insurance Committee was recently scheduled to vote on the controversial reform measure (ABX4 1) proposed by Gov. Schwarzenegger just after he took office in November. However, the committee postponed the vote, which likely would have resulted in the bill’s defeat. The governor and legislators have now entered into talks to reach a compromise […]

Feds Urge Employers to Prepare for Emergencies

The Department of Homeland Security, in partnership with the Advertising Council, has launched a campaign to educate small and mid-sized employers about engaging in emergency preparedness efforts to protect their employees, business operations, and assets. The program includes a website,, with extensive information on emergency planning, including a sample emergency plan, emergency supplies checklist, […]

Bulletin Item: HIPAA Compliance Nears

On April 14, employers with small health plans must be in compliance with HIPAA privacy rules. If you aren’t yet in compliance, you must take steps immediately to avoid potential fines and criminal penalties.