Tag: 4 day work week

Which Companies Have Embraced the 4-Day Work Week?

The idea and allure of a four-day workweek has been bandied about, by both employers and employees, for quite some time now. Still, despite the potential benefits that both might realize, it’s a concept that has yet to see widespread adoption. While some forward-thinking companies across industries are testing or, in some cases, have already […]

Work Smarter, Not Longer: Is the 4-Day Workweek Right for Your Business?

In an era where work-life balance has become a buzzword, the concept of a 4-day workweek has garnered significant attention. Some HR professionals argue that it enhances productivity, improves employee well-being, and could even be the future of work. But is this model suitable for every business? Here are some of the nuances of implementing […]

Navigating the Potential of a 4-Day Workweek

The concept of a four-day workweek is gaining traction worldwide as companies seek innovative ways to enhance productivity and employee well-being. Notable examples include Microsoft Japan’s experiment, which reported a significant productivity boost, and Unilever New Zealand’s trial aimed at maintaining full pay for reduced hours. But many employers understandably remain skeptical of the promised […]

What Does the Perfect Workweek Look Like?

For most of us, the traditional 9–5 workweek is normal and so ingrained in us that we don’t question it. For some businesses and their employees, however, there has been a shift to more flexible working patterns. Today, you’ll find working from home and compressed hours are regular occurrences. But what does the perfect workweek […]