Tag: american with disabilities act

New Year’s Resolutions Every Employer Should Make

As the new calendar year begins, many organizations are wisely asking, “What can we do to protect our business assets from an employment law perspective?” This is a great question, and the beginning of the year is the perfect time to take stock of existing policies and their effectiveness, review recent changes to applicable laws, […]

Software, Algorithms, and AI: New EEOC Guidance for Employers

It’s the year 3022, and you’ve just applied for a new job as an engineer on a starship traveling to Mars. You submit your resume, and an algorithm selects you for an interview. You record video answers to the employer’s interview questions and upload them for a robot to review. Using software to review applicant […]


Potential ADA Accommodations Abound, But a Few Declared ‘Unreasonable’

There’s no exhaustive list of potentially reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. Whether an accommodation is reasonable will depend on the unique circumstances of each instance, including the individual’s limitations and essential job functions. Some accommodations, however, have been declared “unreasonable.” 3 Unreasonable ADA Accommodations 1. It isn’t reasonable to eliminate job’s essential functions. An […]