Tag: Assessing Candidates

The Value of Cognitive Assessments for Recruiting

Currently, the global cognitive assessment and training market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32.39% from 2018–2022. So, it’s becoming apparent that many organizations spanning many industries are beginning to see the value of cognitive assessments and how cost-effective they are, especially when recruiting and onboarding new hires.

Don’t Let Employees Game the Assessment System

Over several recent blog posts, we’ve discussed the importance of finding a good talent fit for open positions and a good fit for the organization as a whole. Getting it wrong can lead to costly turnover and the need to continue spending time and resources on filling the same position over and over again.


Alternative Employee Assessment Methods

In a previous post, we discussed some of the challenges inherent in traditional methods of employee assessment, specifically the fact that review of résumés and in-person interviews tend to focus too much on the objective skills of the employee rather than the subjective needs of the organization.

Are You Ignoring the Strengths of Introverts?

They sometimes come across as shy, aloof or even disinterested. In comparison to extrovert job candidates, they may seem less likely to take charge, less inclined to aggressively pursue goals.