Tag: california hr

DOMA is unconstitutional, but many questions left unanswered

Over the summer, the Supreme Court decided in the landmark case of United States vs. Windsor that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional, which now paves the way for same-sex couples to potentially enjoy many federal benefits that they weren't entitled to before. Let's take a closer look at DOMA, what the ruling did, and what questions remain.

How can employers reduce FMLA/CFRA abuse?

Employers have the right to curb FMLA/CFRA abuse, but must do so in a way that doesn’t hinder employees from taking their protected leaves. It can be a fine line to walk. Thankfully, employers do have some options.

Minimize intermittent leave scheduling issues

In California, employers have to juggle both FMLA and CFRA laws, and both allow protected leave on an intermittent basis. Intermittent leave is perhaps the most difficult aspect of FMLA/CFRA leaves because it presents operational and scheduling issues and inconveniences that can be frustrating for employers. Understanding intermittent leave and what can be done to minimize these frustrations and scheduling issues can go a long way toward easing the implementation of FMLA/CFRA leaves.

Medical Approval, Carpal Tunnel, and More

Yesterday attorney David Schmit, founder of Schmit Law in Oakland, addressed some common (yet vexing) return-to-work questions. Today, his thoughts on a few more—plus an introduction to a workers’ comp webinar you won’t want to miss.