Tag: Compensation

On-Site Medical Offices, Wellness Initiatives Promote a Culture of Health

Who: W.R. Grace & Co. What: Offers on-site medical offices and promotes wellness Results: Lower absenteeism and lower incidence of seasonal flu. Lower turnover and lower heath insurance costs. Increased personal and team productivity. W.R. Grace & Co. not only promotes the benefits of wellness to its 5,900 employees globally, the company makes it easy […]

CEO of Penny’s Receives 48% Pay Increase in 2010

Myron Ullman III, CEO and Chairman of J.C. Penney, received a total compensation package worth $12.3 million dollars in 2010, a 48% increase from last year, according to the Associated Press.   Bloomberg Businessweek reports that while Ullman’s base salary of $1.5 million remained unchanged from 2009, his other benefits far outweighed those of last year. […]

Microsoft to Boost Cash Compensation

Microsoft has announced plans to shift stock awards into the base salaries for its most valuable workers, proving more cash up front, says Bloomberg. This comes amid news of increasingly competitive compensation practices in the technology sector, with Google, Twitter, and and Facebook camps looking to attract…and keep the best engineers and computer scientists. Some […]

Employment Tax Gap Needs Some Trimming, Says IRS

There’s a gap between the amount companies and employees pay in employment taxes, and the amount they should be paying. And guess what? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is determined to narrow that gap. Much like going on a diet, the way they plan to shrink it will probably be uncomfortable for many American companies. […]

The Top 10 Blogs in Compensation and Benefits

We’ve scoured the blogosphere to find the best resources in Compensation and Benefits. Below are the top 10 blogs that we’re following. Although some offer a wealth of information on general compensation topics, others are more niche, offering tips and news on executive compensation or FLSA. If you haven’t checked out the blogs below, take […]

One-Third of Employers Report Use of Cash Compensation

The HR Daily Advisor announced today the results of a survey on Cash Compensation conducted in March 2011. The survey asked employers to report on the use of cash incentives at their companies, either in the form of individual or team awards, spot bonuses, or similar payments. According to the results, nearly one-third of employers […]

What Atypical Benefits Are Your Competitors offering?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we presented non-healthcare survey results from M Lee Smith Publishers. Today, more survey results and an introduction to a special program just for smaller or even one-person HR departments. About 500 employers participate in the survey. Here are the detailed results. (Go here for yesterday’s survey results.) If your organization has a […]

Survey Says: Non-Health Benefits Staying Strong

A recent survey conducted by M Lee Smith Publishers offers some surprising insights on non-healthcare benefits. For example, only about 19 percent of respondents offer telecommuting, although 35 percent allow flex time. Nearly a third offer PTO, and about a third offer a wellness program. About 500 employers participated in the survey, which revealed many […]

You Violated a Safety Rule—Comp or No Comp?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we looked at two informative comp cases. Today, another case, plus an introduction to the one-stop, online HR problem solver, HR.BLR.com. If you violated a safety rule and were injured, do you get workers’ compensation? When Peter Mars first joined Bowman Company as a machine operator, his supervisor, Jim Larson, gave him […]

Workers’ Compensation—It Just Won’t Go Away

Worker’s comp—little changed for many years, yet still a hassle, day after day. In today’s Advisor, we’ll feature case studies—all based on real situations—that help us deal with this frustrating part of HR management. Can an Employee ‘Under the Influence’ Be Denied Workers’ Comp Benefits? Jason Kohler wore 42-inch drywall stilts on his job installing […]