Tag: connection

Longing for the Good Ol’ Days? Tips for Enticing Employees Back to the Office

Few would argue that the way people work has changed. The COVID pandemic made clear that organizations don’t have to always gather employees together in an office to get work done. Indeed, advances in technology make communication and collaboration possible when workers are nowhere near each other. But even though employers were relieved that work-from-home […]

How to Keep A Five-Generation Workforce Happy

We’re in an unprecedented moment for people leaders. “This is the first time in our history in the United States of having five generations at work,” says Larry Callahan, MA, chief people officer at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Health, which has more than 22,300 workers across 16 hospitals and more than 750 care locations throughout the […]

Boosting Employee Socialization in a New Hybrid Work World

The shift to remote work, accelerated by the global COVID-19 pandemic, has fundamentally altered the landscape of employee socialization. For remote workers, gone are the water-cooler chats, office pop-ins and hallway run-ins that spurred so much camaraderie and ad-hoc collaboration pre-2020. Gone, too, are the daily shared breaks and lunch outings that once contributed to […]

HR Trends to Watch in 2024

The world of work is constantly evolving, and the human resources (HR) function is at the forefront of this transformation. As we step into 2024, organizations are grappling with a multitude of challenges and opportunities, from navigating the post-pandemic work environment to addressing the ever-increasing demands of a diverse, skilled workforce. To effectively navigate this […]

Why the Future of Work Depends on VoIP

Now that employees are splitting time between home and the office, distributed workforces are doing their jobs more flexibly, happily, and efficiently than ever before. According to research from Owl Labs, 62% of employees feel more productive when working remotely. In fact, people love hybrid work so much that 1 in 2 are even willing […]