Tag: COVID-19

EEOC’s COVID-19 Guidance: Where Does it Stand?

As everyone knows, the sequel is almost always messier than the original. Guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is no exception. On July 12, the EEOC updated its COVID-19 guidance, taking already complicated guidance that had no clear direction and making it worse with increased reliance on shifting public health standards.

Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: Where Are We Now?

Last fall, we were furiously drafting mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies for a variety of employers, including healthcare facilities, employers with more than 100 employees, and federal contractors. With the back and forth of whether a court would block implementation of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates, many of those policies were left in a state of […]

Why Flexible Work Is Key in the Post-Pandemic Business World

When the pandemic first hit, many businesses switched to remote work arrangements overnight, and millions of employees were introduced to the idea of flexible work for the first time. Once a large portion of the workforce got a taste of remote and hybrid work, compressed workweeks, shorter hours, flex hours, and more, they didn’t want to go […]

Time to Revisit and Update Your COVID-19 Policies

During July 2022, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated its COVID-19 workplace guidance. The new standards set forth important updates and clarifications regarding COVID-19 testing, vaccine mandates, and disability and religious accommodations in the workplace. Employers should familiarize themselves with the new guidance and, if necessary, update their existing COVID-19 policies.

Top Cities for Remote Work in the US

A few years ago, companies were often evaluated by employees and potential employees based on the attractiveness of the workplace. Silicon Valley tech company campuses often scored high on such measures with extensive perks like vast green spaces, fun leisure activities and employer-provided childcare. Today, though, as millions of workers now find themselves in indefinite […]

Caring for Caregivers: Understanding Caregiver Discrimination Under Federal Laws

As we enter the third year of a pandemic, the ongoing disruption caused by COVID-19 and its variants often leaves employers juggling legal and business considerations regarding their workforce. Specifically, many employees are also caregivers, whether they are caring for children, a spouse, an individual with a disability, or older relatives. Practically, issues arise when […]

HR and Facility Professionals Share New Psychology of Clean for Workplace Experience

More than two years since the COVID-19 pandemic made Zoom calls a reality and daily commutes infrequent, employers are still juggling their return-to-work options among fully remote, fully in-person, hybrid, flex space, and shared space approaches. And now, it’s a dual effort on the part of both HR managers and facility managers to retain current […]

Companies Continue Increasing L&D Spending

With wage pressures pushing employee compensation demands higher and inflation and supply chain issues further straining employer finances, one might expect that budgets for learning and development would shrink or even be put on hold while the storms pass.

Employers Should Take Note of Recent Spike in Union Organizing Activity

In the first quarter of 2022, unions filed more than 550 election petitions in the United States, compared with only 290 in the first quarter of 2021. It’s the largest first-quarter number filed in the past seven years. While part of the increase can be attributed to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which has […]