Tag: Drug Testing Pros

It’s High Time to Review Your Drug Testing Policy

As the marijuana legalization and decriminalization trend continues throughout states across the nation (including with recent April 2022 action by the U.S. House of Representatives), now is a good time for all employers to review and update your drug testing policies.

The Pros of Required Drug Tests

Is there a formal drug testing policy at your organization? Most organizations do have one, often out of concern for safety of all workers. Most recruiters and hiring managers want to make sure they don’t have someone come to work under the influence who might create a dangerous situation.


Requiring Drug Tests as a Condition of Employment: Pros

Does your organization have a formal drug testing policy? Many employers do, primarily out of concern for safety of all workers. The concern is that employers want to ensure they don’t knowingly hire someone who may end up coming to work under the influence of a substance that will create an unsafe situation.