Tag: Employee Compensation

Job Seekers Confidence Drops to Lowest Level in Over Two Years

It may sound cynical to say that bad news for job seekers is good news for employers, but in many cases, that’s absolutely the truth. The labor market, like any market, is based on supply and demand. When demand is high and supply is low, prices (wages in the case of the labor market) tend […]

Continued Inflation and Employee Compensation

Many companies have weathered the impacts of inflation on the cost of their production inputs by simply passing such costs on to consumers; however, as central banks, led by the U.S. Federal Reserve, continue to raise interest rates, consumer spending is likely to decrease, hampering employers’ ability to pass along costs. One of the biggest […]

Where’s the Harm? Court Splits on Title VII Liability for Lateral Transfers

Recently, the influential U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Circuit ruled that denial of a lateral transfer request based on protected status is actionable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 without proving additional harm, such as a change in pay or benefits. Though circuit courts are split […]

‘I Got Fired . . . But I Still Want My Commissions’

Although it involves Texas law, a recent case illustrates the pitfalls an employer can face when former employees make claims for commissions or compensation after their employment has ended. It also offers suggestions on how employers with commissioned salespeople can avoid the same traps.

The Intersection of COBRA and State ‘Mini-COBRA’ Laws

Nearly all states have enacted some type of healthcare continuation coverage law (sometimes referred to colloquially as a “mini-COBRA” statute) that is similar to the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) or that supplements the federal requirements. Many of these laws predate federal COBRA but remain in effect after COBRA became law. This column […]

Executive Pay: The Evolution of Compensation Committees

Most of us will work our entire lives without ever being present at—let alone participating in—a Board of Directors’ meeting. However, Robin A. Ferracone, chief executive officer and founder of Farient Advisors, has been in more compensation committee meetings than she can count over the course of her career.

Why It Pays to Keep Your Job Descriptions Current

Yesterday, we looked at telecommuting—aka “the benefit that keeps on giving” to both employees and employers. Today, our take on another low-cost yet highly beneficial activity you’re probably not spending enough time on: updating your job descriptions.

A Coveted Employee Benefit that Actually Saves You Money

Telecommuting continues to grow year after year, despite some high-profile stories to the contrary (such as Yahoo!’s decision a couple of years ago to eliminate telecommuting options). In fact, some experts predict that a whopping 30 percent of workers in industrialized countries will be telecommuting by 2019!