Tag: Employee Recognition

And the award for employee excellence goes to . . .

by Dan Oswald If you, like me, were one of the tens of millions of people who watched the Academy Awards Sunday night, you saw a celebration of excellence in a profession. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was founded in 1927. And, according to its website, “one of the first Academy committees […]

How do you make people feel?

by Dan Oswald I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. —Maya Angelou On Saturday, the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers football team held its annual Red-White Spring Game. With time for just one final play, Jack Hoffman walked […]

People are people

It’s always good to remember that people are people. In our society, we tend to put people on a pedestal. Athletes, actors, musicians, and even business executives are revered and idolized. Consider how Michael Jordan, George Clooney, Elvis Presley, and Steve Jobs are perceived. Elvis—only his first name is necessary—is still the second best-selling artist […]

45% of Companies Do Not Have a Written Strategy for Recognition Programs

According to the latest Trends in Employee Recognition report released by WorldatWork, 75% of the 600+ professionals surveyed believe that their recognition programs are successful, but only 45% have a written strategy for their recognition programs. Only 14% say that their organizations trains managers on recognition practices. This, says Strategic Consultant and blogger Derek Irvine, […]

Recognition for a Job Well Done

Employee recognition is an important, and often overlooked, part of management. Everyone likes to know that their contributions are recognized and appreciated. Yet, as managers, we all get wrapped up in the day-to-day activities of the business and can lose sight of the need to show our appreciation for the efforts our people make. And […]