Tag: Employee Wellness

Filling Communication Gaps: 3 Strategies for Health Benefits Education

For employers aiming to promote employee wellness while controlling healthcare costs, establishing an effective communication and education strategy for health benefits is crucial. Evidence shows that people with higher patient activation have better health outcomes, which leads to cost savings for both the employer and patients. As we ride the wave of increased healthcare costs, […]

Employee Wellness: How it Helps Improve Productivity

A company’s workforce is commonly its most important asset. Not only is this where the majority of resources are allocated, but staff are also the driving force for success. In fact, company labor costs can account for as much as 70% of total business costs, including employee wages, benefits, payroll, and other related taxes. Typically, […]

Why Helping Employees Discover Their Purpose Helps HR Leaders

Though the Great Resignation is in full swing, hiring rates are greater than quit rates since November 2020 as workers seek greater well-being in their careers. As such, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce suggested the workforce is experiencing a “Great Reshuffle” instead. Unfulfillment at work is linked to the overall work environment, but changing the […]

Top Trends Shaping the 2022 Workplace

It’s fair to say that the workplace we once knew is gone. As we transition to a new kind of normal, many changes are gaining traction while replacing the traditional work environment. In my role counseling executive leaders for Vaya Group’s corporate clients, I’ve started to notice some emerging workplace trends that will continue to […]


Why Recruiters Need to Lean into Flexibility and Wellness

There’s never been a time when a greater number of people collectively quit their jobs in search of something else. In September 2021 alone, over 4.4 million people left their jobs, according to the latest numbers shared by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. And in a survey of freelancers we worked on with Opinium […]

The Family That Sweats Together: Wellness Benefits Aren’t Just for Employees

Employees are often the primary focus of workplace well-being initiatives, and with good reason. It’s the employee whose health has the most visible effect on corporate success. But the people who come in to work each day aren’t the only ones whose health is impacted by well-being efforts, and they’re not the only ones whose […]


4 Ways to Get Your Employees More Active This Year

According to one study conducted by Duke University, obese workers filed twice the number of workers’ compensation claims, had seven times higher medical costs from those claims, and had 13 times more lost workdays due to injury or illness than non-obese employees.

In 2019, Resolve to Make Fitness Easy for Employees

The dawning of a new year is the perfect time to make a fresh start, and chances are, many people in your office are using this opportunity to renew their commitment to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. They want to drop a few pounds, get stronger, or finally run the marathon they’ve been talking about. […]


New Year, New Approaches to Address Employees’ Behavioral Health Conditions

While many people set personal New Year’s resolutions, have you ever thought of making one for your organization? As 2018 nears its end, now is the perfect time to reflect on your disability management practices and identify areas of improvement in the new year. A potential area to address? Supporting employees with behavioral health conditions […]