Tag: Epstein Becker Green

Family Leave: A Different Story Beyond 12 Weeks

Yesterday, attorney Lauren M. Cooper of the San Francisco office of Epstein Becker & Green, PC, explained a new family leave case that’s good news for employers. Read on to find out the details of the court’s reasoning. We’ll also tell you about a California-specific leaves reference you won’t want to be without.

How Much Family Leave Is Too Much?

The California Family Rights Act (CFRA) entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of leave in a 12-month period to recover from their own serious health condition, among other things. But what if an employee takes more than 12 weeks of leave? The California Court of Appeal recently answered that critical question.

A Comprehensive Grievance Procedure

Yesterday, we looked at some of the elements your employee handbook should include. Today, we’ll take an in-depth look at what your grievance procedure should look like, courtesy of attorney Peter Panken of Epstein Becker & Green, PC. We’ll also tell you how you can get a comprehensive collection of 101 California-specific employee handbook — […]

Social Media: It’s Here To Stay

If your employees aren’t plugged in to social media sites on a regular basis at work, it’s likely because you have (a) a draconian firewall or (b) a workplace entirely free of computers. It’s also possible that (c) you’re in deep denial. Like it or not, social media is here to stay.

Pay to Slay: Targeting Bedbugs at Employees’ Homes

Fourth of four parts If employees have a bedbug problem at home, it could soon become their employers’ problem at work, too. One way to attack the problem is to go to its root — and help with cleaning up the home infestation. Some employers have gone so far as to pay for the cost […]

Eject Him! Attorneys Say JetBlue Shouldn’t Let Employee’s Tirade Slide

By now, most people have probably heard about Steven Slater, the JetBlue flight attendant who became America’s newest so-called “folk hero” after he told off a difficult passenger, grabbed a beer, and exited a plane via the inflatable emergency chute. We decided to ask several employment law attorneys — all members of the Employers Counsel […]