Tag: gen z

Gen Z Job Seekers: Balancing Independence and Parental Support

There’s no denying that Generation Z (Gen Z) represents the future of the American workforce. Gen Z is already projected to overtake Baby Boomers in terms of U.S. workforce representation in 2024, and by 2030, it’s estimated that Gen Z will make up 30% of the total workforce. This means employers would do well to […]

Faces of HR: How Connie Ross Fosters Belonging at 84.51°

As a seasoned media buyer for more than 16 years, Connie Ross’ passion for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) led her down a path of purpose. A pivotal moment in 2020 ignited a desire to create opportunities for underrepresented voices and ensure everyone has a seat at the table. Her media background may seem […]

Challenges and Strategies for Giving Feedback to Gen Z

Providing feedback to Gen Z employees can be uniquely challenging for managers. As the youngest generation in the workforce, Gen Z has distinct characteristics and communication preferences that can differ significantly from older generations. And yet, finding a way to connect with this generation is essential for the future of every business, because Gen Z […]

Is eLearning the Key to Filling the Skilled Trade’s Gap?

While we’re already seeing how artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and other forms of generative technology have the potential to eliminate jobs and reshape the workforce, for the foreseeable future, there are many activities that will still need a trained, human touch. Whether it’s an oil change or maintenance on a vehicle, plumbing, and electrical work, […]

The Challenges Facing Gen Z in the Workplace

Generation Z is the future of the workforce. That’s not meant as some kind of puffery for this youngest cohort of workers; it’s a simple fact. Gen Z is already on par with Baby Boomers in terms of workforce participation numbers, and they’re expected to overtake Millennials sometime in the next 20 years. But many […]

Keeping Gen Z Engaged in the Workplace

Ready or not, Generation Z’s digital-savvy, socially conscious professionals have entered the workforce. Ranging in age from 12 to 27, Gen Z makes up 30% of the world’s population and will make up just as much of the workforce by 2030. Today, over 17 million young and eager Gen Z workers are already claiming their […]

Gen Z Drives Low-Point in Job Engagement Scores

Recent data shows workplace engagement is at an 11-year low, with the biggest drop among Gen Z workers. For such organizations that want to keep a productive and satisfied workforce, the decline of the engagement level to the lowest level in the last decade is a very alarming issue. Understanding Employee Engagement Employee engagement is […]

How Organizations Must Build DEI Programs Fit for 2024

As organizations navigate the landscape of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) today, their focus has shifted from simply defining DEI and reiterating its importance to focusing on how to successfully measure and achieve its intended outcome: fostering an environment where all employees can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. But how do HR teams […]

Adult Autism is Increasing: How HR Can Support Business Evolution 

Ideally, businesses hire and retain great employees. Yet as every business owner knows, the balance of finding, hiring, and fully utilizing talent is difficult. The challenge becomes more difficult as younger generations have differing workforce demands and needs. The number of American adults with mental health disorders is rising. Over the past decade, studies have […]

Answering the Challenge of Talent Retention Among Gen Z and Millennial Workers

In the aftermath of the pandemic, businesses across the globe grappled with unprecedented workforce challenges. Amidst the turbulence, a particular narrative emerged, casting Gen-Z and millennial workers in a controversial light. Critics hastily attributed a perceived decline in work ethic to those younger demographics, sparking widespread debate about their commitment to work. However, these oversimplified […]