Tag: Hiring Bias

How to Leverage AI as a Competitive Differentiator for Your Staffing Firm

A recent survey exploring the top trends in the staffing industry found that 38% of staffing leaders feel that decreased demand for staffing services is the top challenge facing HR firms in 2024, with the slump hindering business growth in a time of economic uncertainty. This concerning statistic, in conjunction with a global talent shortage—a […]

Gender Bias: The Résumé Edition

One of the first steps during a job hunt is to submit a résumé—with your name at the top in big, bold letters. While your work experience and education are the qualities you hope will stand out, there is still a possibility that hiring managers hold on to some biases and mentally rate candidates based […]

Salary and Bonus Pay Attract Talent, but Is There Bias?

In a tight labor market, employers are constantly looking for new ways to attract and retain top talent. Many companies offer generous benefits packages, flexible work hours, and other incentives. But data consistently show that financial compensation in the form of salaries and bonuses still represents the biggest draw for many employees.

Potential Pitfall in Social Media Screening of Potential Hires

The Internet Age and, more specifically, the social media age have added a new element to the hiring process. Rather than relying predominantly on what employees say about themselves on their résumés and cover letters, or what their handpicked cheerleaders say about them in letters of recommendation, employers can easily type a candidate’s name into […]

social media

Potential Pitfall in Social Media Screening of Potential Hires

The Internet Age and, more specifically, the social media age have added a new element to the hiring process. Rather than relying predominantly on what employees say about themselves on their résumés and cover letters, or what their handpicked cheerleaders say about them in letters of recommendation, employers can easily type a candidate’s name into […]