Tag: Internal Revenue Service

Classify Part-Time & Full-Time Employment to Determine Benefits

Many employers offer benefits to their full-time employees that they don’t offer their part-time employees. But when employees work part-time some weeks and full-time other weeks, determining their status for benefits purposes can be tricky. Fortunately, we have some helpful advice. Define Your Terms Determining whether a variable-hour employee qualifies for benefits depends on how […]

What Can Be Garnished from an Employee’s Wages?

Wage garnishment refers to any type of deduction from an employee’s wages based on a legal mandate. This may come in the form of a court order, which details the amount the employer is required to withhold and where that sum needs to go. Some agencies also have the authority to request a wage garnishment […]


ACA Play-or-Pay Safe Harbor: Will It Benefit You?

Employers with more than 50 full-time employees must offer health insurance to their employees, as mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Failure to do so will result in the assessment of an excise tax penalty. This dichotomy is commonly known as the “play or pay” rule under the ACA. The penalty is assessed for […]

Are Your Supervisors Trained to Explain 401(k)s?

These days many people live well into their eighties, and some make it into their nineties. That means that many of your employees can expect to live 20 or more years in retirement. Financial experts say that to live comfortably during retirement, a person needs about     80 percent of his or her current wages. Social […]

The Five Laws that Cause Contingent Worker Challenges

Cooper chairs the labor and employment practice group at law firm Garvey Schubert Barer in Portland, Oregon. Her tips came at a recent BLR-sponsored webinar. Here’s Cooper’s quick rundown of the five legal arenas where you may be exposed to “joint employer” liabilities with contingent workers: 1. Wage and hour laws. While the temp agency […]