Tag: interviewing

A 3-Step Structured Interviewing Process to Get the Right Talent Into Your Organization in the Age of AI

Bad hiring decisions have always been expensive for organizations, but they are especially costly today given the tight labor market and the importance of having the right talent in place in the age of AI. The strategic deployment of AI technologies is central to maintaining and enhancing the competitive advantage in today’s digital economy. The […]

Leveraging a Suddenly Global Talent Marketplace

Great companies find opportunities in chaos, and while the COVID-19 pandemic has created nearly 2 years of chaos in the United States and around the world, there are some notable silver linings. One of the most impactful—in terms of the sheer number of people affected—is the shift to widespread remote work. Millions of employees across […]

Three Interview Questions to Avoid

When you’re interviewing a potential employee, the stakes are high. You want to bring the right person onto the right team in the right role, and which questions you ask can have a huge impact on the process. You’ve probably spent time tailoring your list to include thoughtful questions that will really help you identify […]

The World’s First Chief Fun Officer Has a Unique Approach to Hiring

Fun is something a lot of workplaces want at their organization because they understand how important it is. At the same time, fun cannot be prescribed. Getting the balance of work and play right can be very challenging, but when it does balance out, it works very well. Today’s guest calls herself a Chief Fun […]


Best Practices for Hiring Via Video

In March, organizations around the country made the decision to send many employees home to work, thinking this would be a temporary situation—a few months at most. But now, as fall draws near, it’s clear that the situation has become far from temporary, with many employers—especially in the tech sector—indicating that employees will have the […]


More Than Selfies: The Front-Facing Camera Powers Remote Work

In recent years, the front-facing camera has become the iconic symbol of social media and the global “selfie culture.” In the new world of social distancing and remote work, that same cultural icon has rapidly transformed into the cornerstone and foundation for the new world of remote work.

Entitled Applicants, Savvier Candidates, and Comedic Résumé Errors: How One Recruiter Has Adapted

Recruiting has evolved heavily over the last 10 years—and not just because of record-low unemployment rates. Some candidates have become better negotiators. Some ghost interviewers. Others fight back when they are rejected, sometimes with foul language—at least, that’s been the experience of one seasoned recruiter.


Millennial Recruiters Are Leading the Way in Next-Gen Hiring

While recruiter confidence may appear to be high when it comes to hiring talent, they still struggle to fill open positions. In a new Monster.com survey, recruiters blame the growing skills gap and résumé exaggeration as to why they are having trouble filling the void.

black hole

The Applicant Black Hole Finally Needs to Disappear

I’m no astronomy buff, but recent headlines about black holes, star collisions, and ripples in space and time grabbed my attention. (In case you missed it, scientists believe they’ve found evidence of a black hole swallowing up a dead star, which occurred about 900 million years ago.) However, this news got me thinking about a […]

Preparing for Your First Interview as a Recruiter

According to a report from the U.S. Department of Labor, hiring the wrong employee can cost a business as much as 30% of the individual’s annual earnings. Therefore, asking the wrong questions and making the wrong judgments in an interview could be expensive for your organization.