Tag: leadership

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

By Verity Creedy I saw a sign recently that said, “EQ is the new IQ” and it got me thinking. It comes as no surprise that technical skills are of the utmost importance at work, especially when it comes to keeping up with new technology, like AI, and implementing hybrid roles. But technical skills are […]

What We Learned From… Elevating the Employee Experience Day 2

HR Daily Advisor was in Denver, Colorado for HCI’s Elevating the Employee Experience (EEE) Conference last week! After three days of engaging speakers, here are some key takeaways we learned from last Friday’s sessions. Navigating Paradoxes DeRetta Cole Rhodes, EVP and Chief Culture Officer at the Atlanta Braves, says that employee engagement speaks t the culture of […]

How Leaders Can Prevent Workplace Violence and Keep Workers Psychologically Safe

With rising workplace violence and burnout rates, it’s important for CNOs and other nurse leaders to be aware of the safety and wellbeing of their nurses. Safety goes beyond just the physical. Nurses must feel psychologically safe as well—they should be able to voice their feelings and concerns without fear. During the HealthLeaders’ Nurse Labor and Compensation […]

What We Learned From… Elevating the Employee Experience Day 1

With day 1 of HCI’s Elevating the Employee Experience completed, here’s some key takeaways we’ve learned from our speakers. Leadership Lindsey McGregor, author of Primed to Perform and Founder of Vega and Factor.ai, discussed how to make leadership engaging again. She explained to unlock leaders’ full potential, companies should regularly assess team goals, health, and […]

M&A Best Practices: Advice from a Healthcare CEO

The current circumstances around healthcare are forcing hospitals to take a hard look at consolidation, maybe more than ever before. Matt Heywood, CEO of Aspirus Health, is aware of that as much as anyone as the leader of a health system that just closed its own merger. Earlier this month, the Wausau, Wisconsin-based operator combined with Duluth, Minnesota-based St. […]

Leaders Leaving the Workforce: Best Practices from Healthcare CEOs

The staffing shortage affects not only the bedside nurse, but also the nurse leader. A new report from AMN Healthcare found that 31% of nurse leaders said they plan to be in a different role a year from now. AMN Healthcare’s 2024 Survey of Nurse Leaders also says that 17% of nurse leaders will look for a new place […]

4 Employee Engagement Trends for CEOs to Follow

It’s no secret that an engaged employee is more likely to stay at their place of work. That’s why CEOs understand the importance of fostering engagement among their staff, which increases an organization’s chances of retaining talent and cutting down on turnover. Retention remains a major challenge for leaders, with one in five workers who […]

Leadership & Cybersecurity: Learning from the Cyberattack on Change Healthcare

Hospital and health systems have been going through the wringer for a few years now. The last thing CEOs needed on their plate was a cyberattack at the scale and magnitude of the one Change Healthcare suffered. And yet, what is being called “the most significant cyberattack on the U.S. healthcare system in American history” is now […]

How to Alleviate Burnout: A Look into the Healthcare Industry

As burnout continues to weaken the workforce at hospitals across the country, CEOs must take action to create a sustainable environment for their employees. According to more than 20,000 physicians and more than 32,000 nurses surveyed for a KLAS Arch Collaborative report, improving staffing and aligning leadership with staff were the number one and number two […]

Unveiling the Future of Inclusion for HR Leaders

Imagine a world where inclusivity isn’t just an HR buzzword, but the heartbeat of corporate success. This isn’t a utopian fantasy—it’s the vision sculpted by Parul Kapoor, Senior Vice President, Talent and Culture, at Calix, according to her interview with me. In an industry where the race for innovation is relentless, Parul champions inclusivity not […]