4 Things Your Training Programs Won’t Ever Fix
Ineffective training programs cost organizations millions or billions of dollars each year. And some studies have suggested that only 10% of all corporate training is effective at all.
Ineffective training programs cost organizations millions or billions of dollars each year. And some studies have suggested that only 10% of all corporate training is effective at all.
Unfortunately, there isn’t typically one set of tools or metrics you can rely on when evaluating newly promoted employees. How employees should be evaluated once they’re promoted depends on a variety of factors, such as their current skill sets and experience levels, the size of the project or team they’re overseeing and the team’s expertise, […]
As an L&D professional, you work tirelessly to train your staff and to develop your training programs so that they’re effective. But how do you know when and if you’ve implemented too much training to the point where it’s no longer effective? And how do you know when your learners will become fatigued with your […]
Ineffective training costs employers a whopping $13.5 million per year per 1,000 employees. And this is mainly due to training content that is uninspired and doesn’t truly resonate with employee learners.
Yesterday’s post outlined what edutainment in the workplace is and some potential problems it prompts as a stand-alone training strategy. Here’s more information about how you can incorporate edutainment into your training strategy so that it’s both engaging and effective.
Employers are beginning to spend more money than ever before on their training initiatives and tools. Yet one source indicates that less than 30% of all training being executed is actually being used on the job a month later.
As employees start to become more invested in their own L&D goals and career trajectories, L&D professionals will need to meet with their trainees more often one-on-one. Here’s how to ensure that you have more productive one-on-one meetings with your trainees.
According to a recent survey, 55% of HR and L&D professionals feel that artificial intelligence (AI) will partially replace HR or L&D roles, while 19% reported that they think AI will completely overpower HR and L&D functions in the near future. And extensive research has shown that the proper implementation of AI in HR and […]
Microlearning. More and more organizations want it, some thinking it’s a way to condense or shorten the time it takes to train workers. Or is it just another buzzword to sell products and services to companies that want a change in the way they train?
A common criticism of managers around the country is a perceived lack of professionalism among employees. As Pamela Eyring writes for the Association for Talent Development (ATD), “In today’s fiercely competitive marketplace, the principles of professionalism are what distinguishes individuals and companies from their competitors. Understanding the fundamentals of business protocol and professional etiquette is more important […]