Tag: leave of absence

Ask the Expert: Is PTO Appropriate When the ADA Doesn’t Require a Paid Leave of Absence?

Question: We have an employee whose essential functions require the use of their hands. They have requested an accommodation, and their physician has recommended a few weeks of time off until specific medical restrictions can be determined. What is our obligation to pay this employee during this doctor-recommended leave of absence? Answer: The leave of absence […]

Case Study: Unpaid Leave of Absence Can Be Appropriate ADA Accommodation

When an employee comes to you with a proposed job modification to accommodate a health condition, consider the requested accommodation. But remember: You can offer a different accommodation that addresses the employee’s health condition but doesn’t pose the operational challenges the employee’s requested accommodation would cause. That’s the route UPS took with one of its […]

Interactive Process Not Triggered Until Employee Brings Up Need for Accommodation

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits covered employers from discriminating against a qualified individual with a disability. It also requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with a disability. Failure to accommodate an employee when a reasonable accommodation is available is a violation of the law. But employers aren’t required to provide […]

Know Your Obligations to Employees on Military Leave

Most HR professionals are aware that under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and similar state laws, they have to provide military leave for employees with military service obligations, such as those who serve in the National Guard and military reserves, and reemploy them when the duty is over. What often isn’t […]

Ask the Expert: Is a Summer Intern Eligible for Benefits?

In our latest installment of Ask the Expert, brought to you by the team of industry experts at HR Hero®, we look at a recent question from a subscriber regarding benefits eligibility and requirements for temporary, full-time employees who are working as part of an internship program. Let’s see what our team of experts have to […]


Employers Weigh How to Manage Working Parents Absent Because of COVID-19

Incredibly, COVID-19 has now affected a third school year. Working parents were previously able to rely on the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) to take leave in the event of school closures and/or remote learning because of COVID-19-related circumstances. As of now, no such leave entitlement exists for the 2021-2022 school year. Employers […]


Potential ADA Accommodations Abound, But a Few Declared ‘Unreasonable’

There’s no exhaustive list of potentially reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. Whether an accommodation is reasonable will depend on the unique circumstances of each instance, including the individual’s limitations and essential job functions. Some accommodations, however, have been declared “unreasonable.” 3 Unreasonable ADA Accommodations 1. It isn’t reasonable to eliminate job’s essential functions. An […]

Managing Alternative Coverage and COBRA Coverage

The current economic turbulence and uncertainty, caused in large part by the business reaction to COVID-19, has forced employers to rethink how they manage benefits for workers who suffer job loss (including—aside from termination of employment—layoffs, temporary furloughs, and leaves of absence). One of the key benefits (other than cash) provided to employees who suffer […]