Tag: neurodiversity

Neurodiversity at Work

The concept of neurodiversity is gaining increased attention and understanding, not least in corporate America, where neurodivergent individuals are seen as an often-overlooked source of quality talent. Neurodivergent individuals, those who have neurological conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia, and others, are increasingly seen not just as employees who can fit into existing corporate […]

4 Tips for Employers Interviewing Neurodiverse Candidates

Did you know that 35% of 18-year-olds with autism attend college, but a staggering 85% of college graduates with autism are underemployed or unemployed? And 1 million+ people with autism in the United States will reach adulthood in the next decade. The number of candidates who are being overlooked by hiring processes designed with only […]

Hiring in a Neurodiverse World: Autism and the Science of Game-Based Assessments

Thirty-five percent of 18-year-olds with autism attend college, but a staggering 85% of college graduates with autism are underemployed or unemployed. Over 1 million people with autism in the United States will reach adulthood in the next decade, most of whom will be searching for work. Hiring processes consistently overlook autistic candidates, favoring neurotypical candidates […]

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion for Better Business Outcomes and Employee Engagement

Diversity and inclusion impact not only a company’s employees but also its customer base. Organizations with diverse leadership can align with the values of their customers, building a more diverse workforce that customers can see themselves in. Companies that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are better equipped to create positive multicultural interactions with their […]

Finding Joy in Bringing Neurodiversity to the Workplace

The business case for bringing diversity to an organization has been made. Certainly, having people from varied backgrounds with different ideas and perspectives can give a business an edge over competitors. Plus, morale flourishes when people feel included and appreciated. Often, though, diversity efforts are focused on race, ethnicity, and gender, but Abigail Erickson-Torres, CEO […]


Understanding Neurodiversity in the Workplace

While many organizations have pledged to be more inclusive and diverse, and 2019 has experienced all-time historic lows for national unemployment rates in the United States, 85% of college grads who fall on the autism spectrum are still unemployed.

Staying on solid legal ground when seeking brain diversity in the workforce

The benefits of diversity in the workplace are nearly universally touted. Human resources professionals are eager to assemble teams representing a variety of races, ethnicities, genders, and ages. But now another kind of diversity is gaining recruiters’ attention: brain diversity.  A December 2014 article on the Fortune website reports that companies are beginning to seek […]