Tag: New Years resolutions

Tackle This Simpler HR Checklist in the New Year

New Year’s resolutions: Be they professional or personal, simplistic or life-altering, the beginning of the year affords a fantastic—albeit arbitrary—opportunity to effectuate change. Whatever. I’m not great about keeping New Year’s resolutions. I make them. Usually. Sort of. Sometimes I even pick them back up mid-year, but usually they go dormant long before it warms […]

Planning for Success: HR Managers’ Guide to New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is a time when many people set professional goals. As a human resources (HR) manager, the new year might usher in a time of change for your workforce as you roll out new policies, aim to repair broken systems, or set goals to achieve in the upcoming year. So how can employers […]

New Year’s Resolutions Every Employer Should Make

As the new calendar year begins, many organizations are wisely asking, “What can we do to protect our business assets from an employment law perspective?” This is a great question, and the beginning of the year is the perfect time to take stock of existing policies and their effectiveness, review recent changes to applicable laws, […]


Boosting the Odds You’ll Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2022

The dawn of a new year is always a popular time for planning ahead both personally and professionally. It’s, consequently, a time when many organizations, teams, and individuals within those organizations and teams set goals for the new year. Unfortunately, many annual goals are never achieved. Consider some statistics from Discover Happy Habits on new […]


Simplify Compliance executives share their leadership resolutions for 2017

by Dan Oswald Last month, BLR was involved in a merger that resulted in a new company with four business units being established. The combined company, Simplify Compliance, serves HR, safety, and environmental professionals as well as the healthcare, telecommunications, and financial services industries. As we start 2017 with a newly constituted executive team, I […]

Top 5 HR resolutions for not getting sued in 2017

As 2016 draws to a close, each of us will likely take time to reflect on what we hope to achieve in the coming year. In my case, this reflection usually involves resolving to be happier and more productive and reduce my carb intake. I would be remiss as an HR lawyer, however, if I […]

Use discipline to achieve your goals in 2016

by Dan Oswald The other day, I brought in a couple dozen donuts for a meeting we were having at the office. Since it was the first week back to work in the new year, I must admit I was curious about how many of those donuts would get eaten. How resolute would my colleagues […]

New Year’s resolutions for managers

by Paul M. Lusky One of the annual goals of a good CEO, manager, or supervisor should be to reduce the company’s exposure to employment litigation. The cost of litigation keeps going up, and just one lawsuit can make a sizeable dent in a company’s budget. In 2016, I resolve to . . . : […]

‘Tis the season: resolutions for the new year

by Leslie Bakken Oliver It’s that time again, when many of us take inventory of the past year and make resolutions for the coming year—for example, to do better, work smarter, become more efficient, or waste less time. For some of you, focusing on aspirations for the coming year may be part of a formalized […]

Start the new year with an eye on the big picture

by Dan Oswald As we kick off 2013, it’s a great time to take a step back as a manager and assess your situation. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day activities of managing and lose sight of the bigger picture. The beginning of a new year provides a natural break for […]