Tag: news

Work Should Be a ‘No Politics’ Zone

Institutions around the country are in turmoil, subject to loud clamoring about events in the Middle East. Many members of their communities are making claims of anti-Semitism, while there are counterclaims of Islamophobia. Public universities and institutions may have no way to avoid those disruptions, but fortunately private employers need not be pulled into that […]

Quiet Quitting: A New Threat to Office Productivity or a Sign of Needed Change?

A new generation of workers is renouncing hustle culture—going above and beyond workplace expectations—and embracing the philosophy of “quiet quitting.” Any sort of alleged “quitting” can easily cause upper management to feel unsettled. But is this trending phenomenon a sign of employee laziness, or is it a call for workplace reform? With more than 15 […]

Offensive Language and Physical Violence in the Workplace: Was Will Smith Justified in Hitting Chris Rock in the Face?

Television audiences for award shows have been in steep decline for years, but the 2022 Academy Awards received far more media attention after the fact than any other in modern history. This attention was all thanks to an off-color joke by Chris Rock, which was immediately followed by Will Smith marching onto the stage and […]

The Shift in Corporate Abortion Policies and Support

It’s hard to find a more controversial and polarizing topic than abortion. It not only is an extremely personal issue but also straddles the intersection of three subjects that are generally best avoided in the office: religion, politics, and sex. Supreme Court Decision Creates Controversy But in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision […]

Does Your HR Department Have a Virus Toolkit?

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken companies on an extreme 2-year-long roller coaster ride that forced many HR departments to deal with a series of highly challenging events that were unprecedented in recent history. As 2022 has brought some normality back to operations, it is now an ideal time for HR to build on these experiences. […]

The Importance of a Meeting Agenda

It can be extremely challenging to get a group of colleagues on the same page at work. With more than two or three individuals, coordinating via e-mail can be inefficient and ineffective. But often, the meeting setup that takes the place of that cumbersome e-mail chain fails to deliver the desired outcomes and ends up […]

Here’s How to Move Your Company from the Great Resignation to the Great Reinvention

As the world dramatically evolved post-pandemic, so did the workforce. In the last year, more than 19 million U.S. workers have quit their jobs, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has recorded the highest number of workers leaving their jobs since it began tracking the data in 2000. The reasons? Well, there are many. […]


The Status of the Office Party

Office parties have long had a mixed reputation. Even the term “office party” or “work celebration” seems like an oxymoron—ludicrous combinations of two inherently incompatible concepts. Still, workplace social events are often seen as valuable opportunities for morale building, internal networking, and a show of employee appreciation. Whether or not one sees value in such […]

Creating a Culture of Constructive Disagreement

While many organizations have at least one or two stereotypical aggressive, Type-A personalities who aren’t shy about sharing even their most controversial opinions, most people tend to be a bit more reserved. This is especially true in a corporate setting, where norms of etiquette, professionalism, and hierarchy often stifle potential disagreements. Junior Team Members Defer […]

4 Ways HR Leaders Can Ease New Employee Job Anxiety

The ongoing Great Resignation has consumed workplace narratives in recent months, but it only paints half of the picture. The effects of the pandemic spurred professionals to leave their jobs and go on to find new ones, with a recent PwC survey showing that one in five workers expect to switch employers in the next […]