Tag: news


Texas Supreme Court to Nail Down Arbitration Issue

The Texas Supreme Court will hear arguments in mid-January about a Whataburger Restaurants case that has been bouncing around the state legal system for several years. As you will soon discern, I believe the court’s decision will be good news for employers with alternate dispute resolution procedures in their workplaces. It also will deliver yet […]

student loan

Student Loan Assistance Boosted by Recent Legislation

The first 4 months of 2021 have been packed with major nationwide events, including significant news surrounding management of the $1.7 trillion in student loans. With all that’s going on, we’ve been following legislation from the new administration, a new Congress, a COVID relief bill, and now the American Rescue Plan.


Employers Can Expect Pro-Union Agenda Under New DOL Chief

President-elect Joe Biden’s pick for secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is a traditional Democrat likely to push a pro-union agenda and a leader who will be eager to put in place pandemic-related safety measures, according to attorneys who advise employers.

Lessons for Employers from Native American Mascot Fight

The sporting world has been abuzz recently with news the Washington NFL team is changing its name and logos to move away from their overt Native American imagery. Cleveland’s Major League Baseball team is considering a similar move. Looking at how the teams have defended their names in the past, we’ve identified a few lessons […]


Job Ads: Salary Range More Important than Remote Work Options

Another article related to COVID-19? Say it isn’t so! These days, anything and everything we do in the employment world has a direct link to COVID-19. And this should come as no surprise as the pandemic continues to dominate our news cycle and cause mass disruption in all our lives.


The Good Place?

A few months ago, my favorite blogger introduced me to a Netflix series entitled The Good Place. She gave no description of the show but highly recommended it and praised the writers’ creativity. With all the coronavirus coverage in the news, we could all use a healthy dose of The Good Place.

Checklist: What to do When an Employee Dies

Dentons Davis Brown Whether an employee dies suddenly or succumbs to a long battle with illness, the result is the same: A tremendous feeling of loss and sadness for his or her coworkers and a need for the business to go on. 


Employee Halloween Costumes Can Give HR a Scare

Deciding whether to allow employees to dress up for Halloween can be a tricky question. Every year we see costumes in the news that cause public uproar. You don’t want the news article to be about one of your employees. Think through the issue carefully before you decide.

THC Screening Banned in 1 State, 1 City

As more states move to legalize marijuana, both recreational and medical, one state and one major city are taking legalization to the next level: by banning preemployment drug testing for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana.


Global Hiring Intentions Mixed, but U.S. Remains Strong

Jobseekers rejoice, the job market continues to work in your favor. But for recruiters and hiring managers, the struggle to find top talent rages on. The hiring challenges are not just limited to the United State, however, as new survey findings reveal that global hiring intentions vary based on location.