Tag: Older Workers

Worried About Brain Drain? Focusing on Older Workers Can Help

A recent study from Guild, a workplace education provider, explored what keeps employers up at night. Topping the list of worries business leaders named for 2024 was a loss of institutional knowledge as workers retire, with 82% of respondents citing that issue. That same study found that 93% of the business leaders responding were eager […]

As the Ranks of Older Workers Grows, Employers Urged to Capitalize on the Trend

It’s become a mantra resounding from more and more employers: Good help is hard to find. For years now, employers have bemoaned their inability to recruit and retain workers for the full range of employment, everything from low- to high-skill positions. But researchers who study the workforce and the trends shaping it point to a […]

Revealed: More Than 25% of Over 40’s Believe They Didn’t Get Hired Because of Their Age

64% of workers over 40 believe age-based discrimination in the workplace is common, while just 50% say the same about racism. 34% of U.S. workers in their 40s feel their age “holds them back” at work— more than sexism, disabilities, or sexual orientation. 60% of workers who lack confidence in their ability to get a […]

The Return of Older Workers

While the Great Resignation was originally blamed by many on lazy younger workers happy to sit back and collect COVID relief checks, further data showed that much of the labor shortage was due to older workers retiring early in large numbers. Many found that their skyrocketing home values and soaring stock prices in their 401(k)s […]

Older Workers Leading COVID-Era Jobs Exodus

The labor shortage employers are currently facing is obvious to anyone who’s recently eaten out at a restaurant or visited a retail store. Slow service, “help wanted” signs, and even businesses that are temporarily closed due to a lack of staff are increasingly common sights.


Is it Against the Law to Target Job Ads at Younger Workers?

One of the primary functions of a Human Resources department is to be aware of and ensure compliance with a wide range of laws and regulations involving workplace conduct, such as sexual harassment and various forms of discrimination.


Companies are Trying to Retain Older Workers

It wasn’t so long ago that older workers feared—and not without cause—losing their jobs to younger competition. The thought was that younger, energetic talent having just acquired the most up-to-date education would force out older colleagues who were making more money due to their seniority but who were likely to be less productive than the […]


Dangers of Bias in AI Recruiting Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) has a number of applications in many industries. While some fear that AI has the potential to one day cost them their jobs by either making them obsolete or by literally taking over the tasks of the job, many people are unaware that AI may play a key role in getting them a job.

Age Bias—It's Easy to Step into a Discrimination Claim

In an article for ProPublica by Peter Gosselin and Ariana Tobin, the authors use IBM as a case study for the dangers of organizations leaving themselves open to claims of age discrimination. IBM was one of the original “tech” companies—so original that it seems old school compared with names like Facebook, Amazon, and even Microsoft.

Training Older Employees Part II: Training Tips

Many employers and employee development professionals have a bit of a bias toward focusing training efforts on younger employees—at the expense of older workers. In yesterday’s post, we discussed a few reasons why this may be a big mistake: