Tag: organization

5 Key Diversity and Inclusion Best Practices that Drive Behavior Change

By Meagan Aaron Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are crucial for fostering an inclusive environment where all employees can thrive. But creating a truly inclusive workplace goes beyond policy – it’s about cultivating genuine behavior change. Human resources professionals can support this transformation by integrating DEI best practices into learning and development (L&D) initiatives. Here […]

3 Priorities Top CHROs Will Propel In 2024

With 2024 in sight, CHROs are charting their strategic courses amid some fierce headwinds. “Our context has changed,” says Vishal Bhalla, MBA, MS, CPXP, SPHR, senior vice president and enterprise chief experience officer at Advocate Health. “Each of us is a little more unsettled than we were before … with all the catalysts that are impacting our lives.” […]

Employee Appreciation Day 2023

Hopefully, employers, HR pros, and managers are aware that March 3, 2023 (and the first Friday in March each year), is Employee Appreciation Day. In a labor market where employee demand is outstripping supply in many sectors, it’s particularly important to keep staff engaged and retained.

Leveraging Learning Pathways in Your L&D Program

In a previous post, we discussed the concept of learning pathways and sequential activities, often coming from multiple sources used to develop skills and behaviors. Learning pathways can be far more effective than a jumble of one-off training sessions due to the ability to create structure, organization, continuity, and escalating difficulty in the material within […]

Tips For Improving Data Privacy, Security in Remote Work Era

Employees have been working remotely (i.e., any place with an Internet connection) since at least the mid-2000s. The COVID-19 outbreak, which started in 2020, forced employers to permit employees with certain types of jobs (usually white-collar) to work remotely on at least a part-time basis. IT departments were overwhelmed by the pressing need to set […]


When Good Enough Is Better than Great

It’s natural for hard-chargers and go-getters to be perfectionists. Every project must be a stellar accomplishment, every presentation must be flawless, and even e-mails must be perfect. When necessary and appropriate, that drive for perfection is an admirable trait and one managers can appreciate. Quest for Perfection Carries Costs Although it’s great to perfect, there’s […]

How to Create a Coaching Culture

Creating a coaching culture can be one of the most important contributions you will ever make as a Human Resources professional and in the case of senior leaders, will likely be a predominant feature of your career. When you see an organization that is highly productive, innovative, and nimble, it is likely driven by a […]

Coaching Remote Employees

The case for coaching has been made. Coaching is recognized as a critical competency for leaders from organizations of all sizes and industries. Today, and into the foreseeable future, one of the most important priorities for leaders at all levels is to be catalysts for the high performance and career acceleration of their team members, […]

Handling Inappropriate Comments Not Covered by Other Policies

It’s likely your organization already has anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies in place. You probably also have some form of anti-violence or anti-bullying policy too. But how do you handle it when an employee is acting in a way that’s clearly inappropriate but may not fall neatly into one of the written policy frameworks? Here are […]

Recognizing Differences While Celebrating Similarities

Issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have been top-of-mind for many organizations over the past several months as the country continues to mourn George Floyd and heal from other racial injustices that have been ever-present in the media as organizations of all kinds sound a rallying cry for better behavior, more inclusion and […]