Recent Pandemic Decisions Embolden NLRB, OSHA Collab

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on employers’ balancing of in-person policy with potential health risks, and recent court decisions have highlighted the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) concerted collaborative efforts in protecting whistleblowing employees speaking out about on-the-job safety. NLRB, OSHA Doubling Down on Workplace Protections Top officials […]

EntertainHR: Workers of the Michael Scott Paper Company, Unite!

As a proud Gen Xer, I cannot say that I watch anything on television that would be considered “new” or “current.” So when I had the flu recently, I turned to an old reliable and watched reruns of The Office (which, if you refuse to cut the cord, can be found at all times on […]


Heat Safety Advocates Criticize Florida Law Banning Water Breaks, Cooling Measures

A new measure signed into law by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis that prohibits local workplace standards requiring drinking water and cooling measures increases the risk of worker deaths from heat exposure, according to worker safety advocates. “The bill in Florida threatens to strip millions of workers of fundamental heat protection measures, such as access to […]

Brightening Work Environments: How Office Lighting Boosts Employee Productivity

Many of the pathways to boosting employee productivity require a significant investment of resources. Upgrading training and development programs, for example, can require licensing training platforms and pulling employees away from their work routines for training sessions. Updating technology to provide more efficient and innovative tools is another possible step toward higher productivity that can […]

New CA Law Requires Workplace Violence Prevention Plans

A new law recently enacted in California requires employers to implement a workplace violence prevention plan and could prove influential if other states follow suit. On Sept. 30, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 553 into law, requiring nearly all businesses to have their plans in place by July 1, 2024. Exempted from the law are […]

EntertainHR: Whistleblower Implications of Titanic Proportions

While the world held its collective breath last month as search teams desperately looked for a missing submersible carrying five Titanic tourists, news reports began circulating of a former OceanGate director of marine operations who was allegedly fired for raising safety concerns years earlier regarding that same vessel. Sadly, the rescue mission soon turned into […]

Heat-Related Injuries Are This Summer’s Hot Topic

As summer heats up, employers in the Southwest should keep a close eye on how heat affects their workforce. Heat-related illness is a hot topic for the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as well as state OSHA plans. Recently, an unusual settlement involved the Department of Labor (DOL) and OSHA over several heat […]

Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: Where Are We Now?

Last fall, we were furiously drafting mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies for a variety of employers, including healthcare facilities, employers with more than 100 employees, and federal contractors. With the back and forth of whether a court would block implementation of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates, many of those policies were left in a state of […]


OSHA’s Next Move: Agency at Work on Permanent COVID-19 Safety Standard

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is moving forward with plans to issue a permanent rule aimed at requiring employees of large employers to either be vaccinated against COVID-19 or face weekly testing. OSHA announced on January 25 it is withdrawing the emergency temporary standard (ETS) it issued on November 5 and that […]

OSHA Withdraws Vax Mandate ETS, Moves Toward Permanent Regulatory Solution

Effective Wednesday, January 26, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is withdrawing its COVID-19 emergency temporary standard (ETS), which would have mandated vaccination or weekly testing/masking requirements for employers with 100 or more employees. After the U.S. Supreme Court last week found the ETS to be an unconstitutional exercise of power and stayed the […]