E-Alerts: Health and Safety: Two New OSHA Resources Available

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is offering a “Cold Stress Card” that recommends ways to avoid health problems caused by prolonged exposure to freezing or cold temperatures on the job. According to OSHA, workers in construction, commercial fishing, maritime, and agriculture are at highest risk for these problems, which can include trench foot, […]

News Notes: New Health And Safety Guidance

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has released two new useful publications to address workplace health and safety risks. First, OSHA has a new guide to help international business travelers avoid health risks. You can download the guide on the OSHA website. Second, OSHA has prepared a Heat Stress Card, which contains valuable information for […]

Ergonomics: OSHA Announces New Ergonomics Strategy Based On Voluntary Guidelines, But California Employers Still On The Hook

Last year the federal Department of Labor repealed the controversial Clinton-era mandatory ergonomics regulations but promised to develop another strategy for reducing workplace injuries stemming from ergonomic problems. Now, rather than apply a single ergonomics standard to a broad range of industries, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has come up with a new […]

Health And Safety: OSHA Recordkeeping Rules Are Changing

Federal OSHA’s revised rules for recording workplace injuries and illnesses took effect January 1. Although they’re not yet formally implemented in California, a Cal/ OSHA spokesman told CEA the agency expects the rules to be officially adopted by mid-February and is advising California employers to start following the new federal guidelines now for all 2002 […]

Ergonomics: Congress Scraps OSHA Ergonomics Rule

After 10 years of debate, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a national ergonomics standard that covered 102 million workers and took effect in January. But the much-criticized rule—which some said would cost businesses more than $100 billion per year—has now been scrapped by Congress, within weeks of President Bush’s taking office. And the […]

News Flash: New OSHA Recordkeeping Rules

In the eleventh hour of the Clinton administration, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a spate of new regulations. These include a new form replacing the OSHA 200 injury and illness log and new rules for recording workplace injuries. The new form and rules are scheduled to take effect next year. However, President […]

News Notes: OSHA 200 Log Reminder

For the entire month of February each year, most public and private employers are required to post an OSHA 200 Log in a conspicuous place. This “Log and Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses” calls for details about on-the-job injuries and illnesses that occurred between January 1 and December 31 of the preceding year. Unless […]

News Notes: Employer Cited For Ineffective Workplace Violence Program

Xerox Corp. has been cited by the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division for not developing an effective workplace violence prevention program that might have averted a mass shooting by a copy machine repairman that left seven co-workers dead. The agency charged that Xerox failed to train managers to recognize and reduce potential hazards as […]

News Notes: Ergonomics Proposal Moving Forward Despite Opposition

Fed/OSHA continues to move ahead with its controversial ergonomics proposal, despite pending legislation that would require more time for public comment before the rules are finalized. OSHA’s hearings on the proposal wrapped up May 12 after testimony from over 1,000 witnesses, and the agency expects to publish final regulations by year’s end. But the controversy […]