Tag: Ownership


Encouraging Ownership

One of the buzzwords in many leadership and management circles is “ownership.” Companies want their employees to take ownership of their assignments, projects, teams, responsibilities, corporate goals, etc. When companies say this, they mean they want employees to be accountable and take initiative, and they want them to be personally invested. That all sounds great, […]


In Defense of Not-My-Jobism

One of the most derided phrases in the workplace is “that’s not my job.” It’s been assumed that those who use this phrase are unwilling to help their colleagues for the benefit of the broader team and company and are indifferent to problems that don’t precisely fit their job descriptions. The lack of ownership captured […]

Increase company performance by instilling sense of ownership

by Dan Oswald “He acts like he owns the place!” Depending on the context, that single sentence, when used in the workplace, can either spell disaster or be one of the most positive and flattering things to be said about an employee. If the statement is made out of frustration about an employee who throws […]