Tag: pandemic


How to Create Engagement Among Distributed Workers

Employers across the nation are learning that the remote work “experiment,” brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, may actually be a favorable alternative to the typical office environment. While remote workers have proven they can successfully get work done while working from home, one challenge still remains: How do you keep remote workers engaged? And […]


Workers Are Missing Mentorship Programs During the Pandemic

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Gen Zs want to learn while they’re working for your company! Younger generations have voiced their support for ongoing career development, yet the pandemic has caused some training initiatives to come to a grinding halt, and workers are begging for them to come back.

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Why Social Recruiting Is an Effective Tactic to Use in The Hiring Process

The pandemic prompted massive layoffs that sent millions of people back into the job market. In just under a month, U.S. unemployment claims reached 26 million, effectively erasing all job gains since the 2008 Great Recession and likely signaling the start of a new historic recession.


What Is an Elastic Workforce?

The need for staff flexibility has always been prevalent, as demand is rarely static year-round. But the pandemic has brought this idea to the forefront. How can organizations cope when demand suddenly falls off a cliff and then surges again a few months later?


What’s Important to Jobseekers in the New Normal?

Remember the “good ole days” of the candidate-driven market, where jobseekers made all the choices in who they worked for and it was up to employers to offer the best perks and benefits to lure these candidates in? It’s hard to imagine that this was only a few months ago and we’re now living in […]


Managing Employee Fear

In times of uncertainty—like now, during a global pandemic—it’s natural to be fearful and anxious about what’s happening around us. There are plenty of concrete, specific things that may be making employees fearful or anxious right now, such as: