Tag: Parks and Recreation

“Animal Control”: Killer Bunnies and the War on Drugs in the Workplace

Animal Control is a new sitcom on Fox that calls back to workplace comedies like The Office, Parks and Rec, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.  The show primarily follows Seattle Animal Control Officers, Frank (played by Joe McHale) and his partner, Shred (played by Michael Rowland), as they navigate various animal-related emergencies and their own equally treacherous […]

Parks Madness

In February, one of my favorite televisions shows, Parks and Recreation, concluded its magnificent seven-season run. While it had typical struggles in the early going, it soon hit its stride and gave us a cast of interesting characters whom we got to see evolve from their first interaction with the Pawnee, Indiana, Parks Department all […]

“I’m Ron ******* Swanson”

Ron Swanson is the man. If you’re not a Parks & Recreation devotee, I can’t recommend enough that you tune in if for no other reason than to enjoy his morsels of wit and wisdom. For the uninitiated, Ron Swanson is fictional Pawnee, Indiana’s, director of Parks & Recreation. He’s a crusty, deadpan, hard-core libertarian […]