Tag: Performance Goals


What Is Organizational Diagnostics?

Have you heard the term “organizational diagnostics” or “organizational diagnosis”? It’s quite possible you’ve engaged in organizational diagnostics without using that term. It’s the idea of taking a systematic approach to assessing the organization and determining where there may be problems and is often used during times of change to help organizations uncover hidden, unintentional […]

Trump v. Sessions: Constructive discharge? ‘We’ll see what happens’

by Michele L. (Warnock) Brott Not long ago, I wrote a rather lofty theoretical analysis about the notion of “constructive discharge,” or the legally frowned-upon practice of forcing employees to quit instead of firing them. I never expected a real-life threat of constructive discharge to erupt on the national stage. But, voilà! The very public […]

Why Don’t Employees Perform?

What Do We Mean by “Performance”? Let’s define performance as behavior demonstrated in a particular way for another group of people that causes a defined result, says Ware, who is president and CEO at Integral Talent Systems, Inc. Her remarks came during a recent BLR-sponsored webinar. For example, she says, if increased sales is the […]