Tag: Performance Incentive

Are Your Employees’ Incentives Aligned?

Whether it’s a sports team, a group of laborers, or a work team in a corporate office, the goal of any team leader is to create a cohesive unit that functions as one. Strong leadership can help make this goal a reality. But even the strongest leader will struggle to create cohesiveness if incentives aren’t […]


Strong Reasons to Ask for a Raise

Let’s be honest with ourselves. Very few of us go to work every day simply because we love what we do. Those who do are fortunate. For many of us, though, money is the incentive that keeps us coming back day after day.


Arguments in Favor of Hierarchical Pay Raises

In a previous post, we discussed the precarious situations many employers find themselves in when it comes to employee pay increases. We currently find ourselves in a tight labor market with relatively low unemployment, and employees consistently list financial compensation as one of the primary factors in accepting and staying at a job.

Arguments in Favor of Hierarchical Pay Raises

In a previous post, we discussed the precarious situations many employers find themselves in when it comes to employee pay increases. We currently find ourselves in a tight labor market with relatively low unemployment, and employees consistently list financial compensation as one of the primary factors in accepting and staying at a job.