Tag: primary care

How Virtual Primary Care is Changing Healthcare

Just about all employers and brokers agree the health plan industry needs an overhaul. That’s one of the clear takeaways from Centivo’s late 2022 Employer & Broker Health Plan Trends Survey. Exactly how to make change happen, however, is where these groups somewhat disconnect: We found that far more employers are open to innovative ideas […]


Health Coaches Prevent Unnecessary Use of Expensive Specialists

According to one expert, 80%–90% of care any adult is ever going to need can and should be delivered through primary care and family medicine. Yet, medical facilities are designed to delegate primary care patients to networks of specialists where they can charge insurance companies and patients much more. Those costs lead directly to high […]


Rethink the Power of Primary Care to Meet the Needs of Your Multigenerational Workforce

A healthy workforce can help your company thrive. When your workforce is composed of people from diverse backgrounds across several different generations, meeting each group’s individual healthcare needs can be a challenge, and the temptation is to solve the complexity with an endless range of health and wellness programs. Resist this temptation.