Tag: recruiting

Your I-9 Program: How Not to Get "ICE’d"

If your I-9 program is not up to snuff, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency can freeze your operation and put you in cold storage. Here’s how to avoid slipping up. Anyone aware of the news these days knows there’s a massive debate under way in the United States about the issue of […]

8 More Tips for Improving Retention

A noted consultant suggests that retention starts with the right hire, and builds by adding feedback, care and trust. But what does the right hire start with? Yesterday’s Daily Advisor began a discussion of the issue of retention, a topic that, by all measures of our readers, is one of your prime concerns. One business […]

Retention: Can You Create It In the Way You Hire?

Research says look for 6 traits in candidates for employment and you can help ensure retention even before you put your new employees to work. We’ve all heard about it … the oncoming “talent war” caused by a confluence of baby boomers retiring, followed by generations not populous enough to fully replace them. We’ve all […]

Hiring Minors This Summer? What You Need to Know About Child Labor Laws

Child labor is highly regulated as to hours, age, and type of work, by both the federal and state governments. Let this book program and audio conference help keep you in compliance … and out of court. Yesterday’s Daily Advisor reported the onset of the annual teen summer job hunt … thousands of youngsters seeking […]

The Summer Job Rush Is On: But Is Change Coming in Child Labor Laws?

Teen employment is highly regulated under child labor laws. Those laws may be changing. Here’s what you need to know. June is the month when most schools close for the summer. That means it’s also the time that thousands of American teenagers look for summer jobs. At any given time, according to the Department of […]

The 9 Deadly Sins of Hiring and Recruiting (Part 1)

A top employment lawyer has listed 9 huge mistakes to avoid in hiring and recruiting. Today, the first four. Tomorrow, the rest. You’ve probably heard the old expression, “the 7 deadly sins.” Well, that doesn’t apply to hiring and recruiting. That’s because we have it on good authority that, in hiring, there are 9 such […]

Retention: What if 75% of Your Workers Found Other Jobs?

The bad news is that surveys are showing that three of every four of your workers are probably job hunting. The good news is that there are retention strategies to keep them. If you’re not doing anything special right now, stick your head out the door and look down the corridor. Now imagine three out […]

6 Common Mistakes in Hiring Support Staff

Support staff are not interchangeable parts. Sidestep these 6 mistakes and you can hire and keep the best. In the army, it’s the infantry; in the factory, the line workers; and in the office, the administrative staff. Every organization has its “troops”—the people who carry out the basic tasks of the business. Think of these […]

Discrimination Lawsuits ‘Explode’ … and a Tool for Making Affirmative Action Plans Easier

After years of stagnation, antidiscrimination efforts are coming alive. Plus a tool for making Affirmative Action Plans more easily. Yesterday’s Daily Advisor explored the gaps that still remain to be filled in the American workplace before discrimination can be eliminated. Despite 40 years of legislation and litigation, recent studies show women are still not making […]