Tag: recruiting

Seasonal and Temporary Employees: What Are the Risks?

Contingent employees can pick up the slack when business get busy, but structure the relationship carefully or their liabilities may linger long after they’re gone. Mid-summer traditionally means beach parties, picnics … and seasonal and temporary employees. It’s easy to see why. The jobs of vacationing employees have to be covered. Seasonal businesses are going […]

Employment Ads: What Are the Best Days to Post Them?

An Internet job-posting company survey finds wide daily variances in when job seekers are looking at ads In 2005, U.S. companies were estimated to have spent nearly $300 billion on advertising, with much of that allocated to employment advertising … the familiar “help wanted” ads in classified and display formats, and in media from the […]

Improve Your Reference Checking and Break Through the “Stone Wall of Silence”

Reference checking an applicant’s past can make today’s hiring decision easier … but to get past a former employer’s rendition of “name, rank, and serial number,” you need some “breakthrough” strategies. Here they are: It’s been said that “the answers to all questions of today reside in the past.” While not true about everything, this […]

How to improve your reference checking

Reference checking an applicant’s past can make today’s hiring decision easier … but only if you do it right! It’s been said that “the answers to all questions of the present reside in the past.” While not true for everything, there’s a lot of validity in this statement when hiring new employees. It’s likely your […]

Compensation: Can We Insist on Salary Confidentiality?

As a result of an upcoming merger, we are going to have a lot of situations in which there is a disparity in salaries. We have a plan for addressing that over a period of three years, but in the meantime, I would like to institute a policy that prohibits employees from discussing their salaries […]

Improving hiring and retention in entry-level jobs

To fill those entry-level jobs, offer an atmosphere of respect and opportunity, and get to know the communities from which you want to hire. It’s natural that an organization be nervous about the loss of a key executive. But what really terrifies many these days is having their entry-level people leave. In today’s service economy, […]

Recruiting: Are We Allowed to Recruit Employees from Competitors?

Our company’s hiring managers always want me to recruit from certain competitor companies. I’d like to know what legal and ethical limits there are on my right to recruit employees from other companies. Can I cold call someone in a competing firm and ask if they would be interested in working for my firm? What […]

Equal Pay: Massive Lawsuit Highlights Need for Smart Pay Practices; An 8-Point Audit Checklist to Keep You In Compliance With Equal Pay Laws

A lawsuit charging Wal-Mart with discrimination against 1.6 million female employees has been certified as a class action by a federal district court judge in San Francisco. A key allegation in the litigation—being called the largest civil rights action in United States history—is that Wal-Mart violated state and federal equal-pay laws by paying female employees […]

News Notes: Employers Boosting Work/Life Benefits, Study Finds

A new study by Mellon Financial Corp. reveals that 81 percent of employers offer employee assistance programs, up from 70 percent in 1996, and 54 percent provide family sick days, up from 42 percent. Although only 6 percent of employers offered domestic partner benefits seven years ago, 35 percent of employers do now. The study […]